The Nuggian Marine Corps. Organization in Nuggia | World Anvil
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The Nuggian Marine Corps.

The Nuggian Marine Corps. is the infantry component of the Nuggian Navy, being responsible for landing on occupied planets and starting a front for the Nuggian Army to fight its way through. In addition to being ground forces, the marines is also the branch under which the Nuggian special forces are commanded, including the elite Delta Force.


The whole of the Nuggian Marine Corps. is headed by the Chief of the Nuggian Marine Corps, and is responsible for the overall strategy of the Marines, namely which planets to land on and how much force to dedicate to them. Underneath them are Generals of the Marine Corps, who are responsible for the command of the Marine Armies.


Soldiers of the Marine Corps are always prepared to die, whether it be by the shell of an anti-orbital defense platform, or the bullet of another's gun. With this comes high degrees of machoism in the men, women, and other individuals that fight in the Marine corps that can make it hard to reintegrate back into Nuggian society.

Public Agenda

As outlined in the Nuggian Armed Forces Creation Act of 2434 is to act as offensive arm of Nuggian ground forces to help them to gain foot holds and planets that did not already have a Nuggian ground forces.

"Through the fire and blood, onto the shores below"

Founding Date
March 17, 2434
Military, Marine Corps
Alternative Names
the Marines
Training Level


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