Offleygreen End Settlement in Novaura | World Anvil

Offleygreen End

The people of Offleygreen End love to tell the story of old Tyman Offleygreen.   The Old Forest was said to be ever expanding and looming over all halflings of Bymoor and threatened to take the whole of the land from them! Strange tales came from people who ventured there. If you went off trail you'd never find it again and worse things still! Well, that is, until old Tyman himself stood in front of it and said "Look here you old forest. I've had about enough of your shenanigans and it's about time you stopped growing and started dreaming like a proper forest should!"   This is said to be how the Dreaming Forest got its name - and how it stopped encroaching onto the borders of the Bymoor. It is believed by all haflings to be a point of fact and a point of pride.   As for the people of Offleygreen End they are not likely to take to the life of adventuring much as the same as all halflings, but if they are an adventurer there's a pretty good chance this is where they hail from. The people of the Kingdom of Enesar have the most interaction with Bymoor compared to anyone else of the 'Outside' Enesar trades in food and drink, and Bymoor trades in pipe-weed and hospitality.   For their part they wouldn't be left behind in the Pipe-weed game. The point of pride here is Old Green. Its flavor notes hit an earthy sweetness combined with a hint of black pepper and is known as a good beginner's pipe-weed in the Karas Sultanate.


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