Pirate Isles Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Pirate Isles

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The Pirate Isles are fifteen islands (and many smaller islets) which lie in the central Inner Sea, south of the Dragon Reach. These islands have been pirate havens since the days of Immurk, and much of the piracy which plagues the Inner Sea is spawned in this region. The islands themselves are rocky, resembling craggy mountaintops poking through the surface of the sea. There is some vegetation, particularly on the lower shores, but the highest points of these islands tend to be barren.   The climate is semi-tropical, with hot and humid summers and temperate winters. The winters also bring strong storms which form on the open waters of the Inner Sea and smash against this archipelago almost continuously during the winter months. These storms tend to come from the southeast, and some believe they are sent by powerful mages of Mulhorand to drive the pirates from the Isles.   There is no one “pirate lord” who rules all of the Pirate Isles. Even at the peak of Immurk’s power, some islands were not controlled by the pirates, while others held rebel pirates who sought freedom from Immurk’s control. Now, with Earthspur itself divided, each of the islands conceals its own independent inhabitants— and its own secrets.   The Pirate Isles were a collection of rocky islands that dotted the Sea of Fallen Stars and were inhabited by pirates. There were fifteen named islands but around sixty in total. The islands that comprised Prespur were not included in the Pirate Isles, despite their proximity.  
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The general makeup of the islands was mountainous terrain with high rocky cliffs. This meant that there were not a lot of ports in the Pirate Isles.




  Dragonisle was the largest isle. The huge Earthspur was located here. The main harbor was the settlement of Immurk's Hold.   Dragonisle (sometimes The Dragonisle) was the largest island in the Pirate Isles. It is populated by around 4,000 pirates and was geographically dominated by the Earthspur, an 8,000-foot-high (2,438 meters) mountain at the southern end of the island. The island had historically been the seat of power for anyone controlling the islands as a whole.   The Earthspur was an 8,000-foot-high (2,438 meters) mountain at the southern end of the island of Dragonisle in the Pirate Isles. It was the main geographic feature of the island and acted as a navigational aid to seafarers in the area.  

Alphar Isle

  Alphar was full of pirate holds, home to around 3,000 pirates.   There were several harbours on the island and the westernmost harbour was neutral, allowing any ships to dock.  


  All trees and animals were half their normal size on Bulta.  


  The Fangrocks were a cluster of natural reefs exposed only during low tide that covered a circle ten miles wide.  

Hawk's Isle

  Hawk's Isle was a pleasant, fruit-filled island on which a plague had left its natives horribly deformed.   Hawk's Isle is a forest-covered island in the Pirate Isles. Its inhabitants are horribly deformed after a plague struck the island at some point in the past. The island has the remains of more than twelve harbours, but the inhabitants only have the ability to use canoes. Wildlife is abundant. The island takes its name from Hawk, a pirate who used the island as his hold whilst competing with Immurk.  


  Ilthan was another pirate hold, though the northern end of the island was full of cyclops shepherds.   Ilthan was an island in the Pirate Isles in the Sea of Fallen Stars.   Its natives were cyclopses who herded sheep. Its main feature was a large ruined city at the center of the island. A legend told that vengeful gods destroyed it. Pirates used the handful of harbors on the southern shores of the island on a temporary basis.  


  Kelthann was a common smuggler's trading point.  


  Lith had a dangerous repuation. Spelljamming ships landed here, observed as meteors by witnesses.  


  Around 20 square miles (52 sq km), Lurath was enclosed by high cliffs, and sea caves that held time portals.  

Mirg Isle

  Mirg Isle was a pirate hold once the stronghold of Xenz, an ally of Zhentil Keep.   The island was originally under the control of Xenz, a pirate allied with Zhentil Keep, but Vurgrom the Mighty seized power by defeating Xenz in combat. A whirlpool sank twenty-five of Vurgrom's ships and significantly lowered the power he exerted on the island. Vurgrom's alliance with Iakhovas has caused his power to be diminished to the point where he is no longer in control of the island, and some of its inhabitants speculate that the true ruler is once again Xenz.  


  Oresk was the third strongest of the pirate holds in the isles, ruled by Azla.  


  Paldir was a mountainous isle full of ex-pirates, and had 1000-foot-tall (305 m) stone carvings of human-like heads.  


  Sarr was a tiny island. It was mostly ignored and the only structure here was a lighthouse.  


  Sumbar was the location of the powerful and mysterious Sumbar Oracle. It was treacherous due to the reefs that surrounded it.  


  Tan appeared as a smoking volcano and was avoided. It was home to Eshcaz, a huge red dragon.  


  Telfar had the benefit of a natural harbor on its west coast, but was prone to whirlpools that were dangerous to shipping.  

Ulgar's Isle

  Ulgar's Isle was haunted by the vampire Ulgar the Undying.

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Pirate Isles
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