Church of Kelemvor Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Church of Kelemvor

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The Church Of Kelemvor   KELEMVOR (Greater God)   Lord of the Dead, Judge of the Damned     Symbol: Upright skeletal arm holding the golden scales of justice   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Portfolio: Death, the Dead   Domains: Repose, Fate, Law, Protection, Travel   Favored Weapon: "Fatal Touch" (bastard sword)   Kelemvor (kell-em-vor) assigns the essences of the dead to their proper place in the ongoing cycle of existence. Taking a different tack from his predecessor gods of the dead, he is neither malign nor secretive. He promises that all dead will be judged in an even-handed and fair manner. He is kind, forthright, and earnest, though occasionally stern. His main problem is that he solves problems with direct action and frequently does not anticipate the negative consequences of his haste down the road.   Kelemvor's church assist the dying, the dead, and their families. Its members see to funerals, burials, setting the affairs of the dead to right, and enacting wills. The church claims the property of those who died intestate and with no clear heirs so that its work in aiding the dying can continue. The church marks sites of disease with plague warnings, hunts down undead creatures to destroy them, recruits adventurers to fend off monsters that cause too much untimely death, and (rarely) grants swift and painless death to those for whom death would be a mercy.   Clerics of Kelemvor pray for spells at sundown. They have annual holidays on Shieldmeet and the Feast of the Moon. Both of these involve telling tales of deeds of the dead so that they may be remembered. The remainder of the church's rituals are tied to death, funerals, and wakes. Kelemvor's clerics sometimes multiclass as necromancers or rangers, using their knowledge to hunt down and destroy undead. They turn undead rather than rebuking them.     History/Realationships: Once a mortal who knew Cyric, Kelemvor inherited his portfolio from Cyric after an error made by the Prince of Lies. Cyric hates Kelemvor and stives to regain what he lost, and Kelemvor in return fights Cyric. He also fights Talona (goddess of poison and disease) for the many untimely deaths she causes and Velsharoon (god of undead spellcasters) for the undead creatures he represents. Mystra, whom he knew as a mortal, and Jergal, who records the passing of the dead, are his allies.   Dogma: Recognize that death is a part of life. It is not an ending but a beginning, not a punishment but a necessity. Death is an orderly process without deceit, concealment, and randomness. Help others die with dignity at their appointed time and no sooner. Speak against those that would artificially prolong life beyond natural limits, such as the undead. Do honor to the dead, for their strivings in life brought Faerun to where it is now. Forgetting them is to forget where we are now, and why. Let no human die a natural death in Faerun without one of Kelemvor's clerics at their side.  

Духовенство и храмы

Символ Келемвора - вертикально расположенная рука скелета, держащая золотые весы правосудия Жрецы Келемвора ведут похороны, улаживают дела мертвых и часто призываются местными лордами или чиновниками для наблюдения за исполнением последних просьб и завещаний. Они проповедуют массам доктрину мирного путешествия в загробную жизнь и гарантируют, что тела мертвых будут захоронены благополучно и согласно религиозной традиции. Они отмечают земли, разоренные болезнью, предупреждают об эпидемиях, и пытаются излечивать болезнь везде, где сталкиваются с ней. Жрецы Келемвора испытывают отвращение к нежити и делают все, что могут, чтобы обеспечить ей вечный покой. Они утверждают, что создание нежити, которую ждет лишь быстрое и решительное уничтожение, являет собой решительное различие между келемворитским духовенством и таковым Джергала, которое держит на службе кое-какую нежить.   Келемворитское духовенство иногда объявляет крестовые походы против нежити или против существ, которые могут причинить слишком много несвоевременных смертей. Иногда это приводит их к найму искателей приключений для решения проблем, с которыми они не могут бороться в одиночку.   Члены духовенства обычно молчаливы, даже угрюмы время от времени. Многие пришли в церковь после потери любимых при вторжениях нежити или даже после собственной смерти, будучи настолько глубоко затронуты этим, что вступили в духовенство вскоре после возвращения к жизни. Многие из старших членов духовенства некогда почитали Миркула, и даже четырнадцать лет спустя после уничтожения этого божества у некоторых есть трудности с принятием различий в доктринах этих двух вер.   Многие из храмов Келемвора ранее были храмами Миркула и, следовательно, имеют менее заманчивую или успокаивающую архитектуру, чем предпочитают их высшие жрецы. Мотивы "костей и черепов" преобладают, и в некоторых из больших храмов даже ныне есть запечатанные палаты, некогда использовавшиеся для возвращения к жизни или для еще более темных обрядов.  


  Признайте, что смерть - часть жизни. Это не окончание, а начало, не наказание, а потребность. Смерть - организованный процесс без обмана, укрывательства и хаоса. Помогите другим умереть с достоинством в их назначенное время - и только в их назначенное время. Выступайте против тех, кто искусственно продлевает свою жизнь сверх естественных пределов, то есть нежити. Почитайте мертвых за их стремление в жизни сделать Фаэрун тем, чем он является теперь. Забыть их - значит забыть, где мы теперь и почему. Не позволяйте ни одному человеку на всем Фаэруне умереть естественной смертью, когда рядом нет одного из клериков Келемвора.   The clerics of Kelemvor, known as doom guides, are often employed to perform funerals, oversee last rites, and execute last wills and testaments. They typically build their churches and monasteries near places that honor the dead, such as cemeteries and memorial structures. The Church of Kelemvor maintains a highly organized hierarchy and frequently expands its activities whenever possible. The paladins of Kelemvor are known as grim knights. They are particularly zealous in their hunting of undead, setting out in crusades of extermination whenever news of an undead sighting reaches the ears of Kelemvor’s Church. Grim knights are typically equipped with long swords to honor the martial lore of their god.   Clerics and paladins of Kelemvor usually pray for their spells during the first hour of night, symbolizing the arrival of the dead in the afterlife after a transitional journey. The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Kelemvor is to give a prayer for the fallen once after waking, and once before sleeping. A few droplets of holy water are sprinkled on the ground and then flung into the air during these prayers, symbolizing the acknowledgement of the spirit’s release and journey from the body to the great beyond.   Traditional ceremonial dress is a long sleeved gray robe with coarse black lining; the collar is snugly fitted against the neck; the collar is iron-colored for lower clergy, silver for full priests, and gold for higher-ranking priests. There may be a depiction of an armored knight and a panther facing each other on the back; alternately, instead of the back embroidery, a symbol of Kelemvor may be be sewn into the chest of the robe. A tiny phial of holy water is worn from the neck on a silver chain, and a long sword is hung from the belt in a black sheath bearing the symbol of Kelemvor. For clergy leading a ceremony, a silver headband is also worn, and never taken off until the ceremony ends.   Clerics and paladins of Kelemvor are mandated to offer condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and preserve the sanctity of places reserved for the storage of corpses and remembrance of the dead. If there are undead creatures in the vicinity, the highest priority is the protection of the living, followed by the destruction of the undead. If it is not possible to destroy the undead with current resources, the standard procedure is to send a request for reinforcements from the nearest conclaves so that the faithful of Kelemvor can descend upon the threat en masse as a unified front. The lifestyle of a cleric or paladin of Kelemvor is typically a humble one that emphasizes training, prayer, and meditation.   It is common for them to take up a quiet hobby such as writing literature, or crafting works of art such as sculptures or paintings.   Practically all traditional rituals in the faith of Kelemvor are led by the clergy.   There are two daily services performed by the clergy: the Remembrance and the Daeum. The Remembrance is performed in the morning at locations with graves, such as cemeteries or mausoleums. The clergy tour by each grave while singing hymns. Mourners that hear the hymn are able to call over the singing clergy so that the priests can offer prayers of blessing at the graves being visited by the mourners.   The Daeum is performed in the evening at any place of worship dedicated to the faith of Kelemvor, even if it is a temporary one. This ceremony involves prayers of thanks to the Lord of the Dead and brief readings of holy scriptures, spoken aloud if there is a willing audience. At the conclusion of this ceremony, the last will and testament of a deceased individual may be shared according to the wishes of the departed and their loved ones. If the attendees are all faithful of Kelemvor, then the leading clergy may instruct all to hold hands in a circle for a concluding prayer; during this prayer, messages or enlightenment may arrive in the form of visions from Kelemvor (or his servitors).   When a person dies and a priest of Kelemvor is present for the event, the priest performs the Passing, in which a chant is performed to call on Kelemvor to watch over the soul of the newly deceased as it passes into the afterlife. This is often requested for those who are on their death beds. Loved ones who are also present for the Passing are asked to join hands together with the priest performing the ceremony, so that all can send off the beloved departed together.   When a priest of Kelemvor visits a site where many have died, such as a battlefield or the ruins of a community, there is a tradition of performing The Lament For The Fallen. In this ritual, the performer sings a short hymn that gives homage to the predecessors of those who are currently living, to those who have lived before and now await in the afterlife; the song reminds the faithful of the grand legacy that they are all a part of in the cycle of life and death, and offers hope that they might see their deceased loved ones again when their time comes.   The two most recognized holidays for the church of Kelemvor are Shieldmeet (once every four years after Midsummer) and the Feast of the Moon (every year at the beginning of Winter, typically in the first tenday of the 12th month, Nightal).   During Shieldmeet, priests of Kelemvor hold a service during which they give sermons extolling the legacy passed down to all by past ancestors throughout history. These sermons include telling stories of great contributors to history; these are known as the “Deeds of the Dead”.   During the Feast of the Moon, priests of Kelemvor powerful enough to do so are able to perform resurrections of dead heroes without the normal cost of material components. Their castings of speak with dead are also enhanced during this time - they are able to speak freely with the actual departed souls.

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