Blood in Nosferia in Nosferia | World Anvil

Blood in Nosferia

Blood is the most valuable substance in all of Nosferia. It is dispensed out to Vampire kind through the various blood repositories found in most major settlements. Those who abide by the laws of the empire and their station are rewarded with the very blood that gives them life. Vampires do not require a significant amount of blood to survive and only roughly twenty five percent of Nosferia's population is Vampire. Because of this, there is enough blood collected and stored in arcane powered containers that can provide for the vampire community. Standard blood allowances are not free, however. Vampires must buy blood to survive. For most, this is not difficult, but there are those who find it far more difficult to adhere to. Only the wealthy are able to afford to afford to indulge in larger quantities of blood and blood of higher quality.

Humans are the most standard source for blood. Their blood is like water and most vampires can afford to subsist on it entirely. Halfing blood is virtually indistinguishable from human blood. Dwarves are considered to have lower quality, worse tasting blood despite not being any less nourishing than human blood. Dispensaries sell it at lower rates and is normally fed upon by poorer vampires. Elves have finer blood often sold at a higher price and considered a delicacy. Orc blood has a stimulative property for many vampires and is considered useful, often employed as a source of empowerment for Vampires serving in the military. Tiefling blood, Aasimar blood, Genasi blood, Dragonborn blood, and other more exotic races have a multitude of arcane and alchemical properties that make them highly sought after by vampires able to afford it. Hobgoblin blood is extremely dangerous for vampires given that it causes ravenous, insatiable hunger in them. Goblin blood is known to cause nausea and other unfortunate symptoms and thus considered unusable though it is mostly harmless.


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