Norrath The Songweaver's Feast

The Songweaver's Feast

Cultural event


The party participates in one of Norrath's most wellknown festivals: Kelethin's Songweaver's Feast.

Kelethin's Songweaver's Feast begins. The party spends the week partaking in the various activities and eateries of the festival. Over the course of the festival, there are several highlights for the party:   Barkimedes enters a grooming competition as a groomer, surprising everyone. Not only does he do well, he actually wins the competition. Everyone is just as happy as they are shocked, and it is surely a tale that will be told for many years to come. Arya and Yarver enter a darts competition against a gruff-looking Dwarf at Myrissa's tavern, which Arya wins. After their game, they decide to race through the crowds across the city. Arya's confidence almost gets the better of him as Yarver's magically enhanced speed is able to give him a competitive edge and nearly beat out Arya. Carlos, in true bardic fashion, spends nearly every moment performing for the crowds at the various stages around the city.   Roswyn and Ellie start an arm wrestling tournament at the Heartwood Tavern, much to the dismay of its proprietor. Ellie acts as Roswyn's hype man, talking her up and goading others into competing with her, and Roswyn goes on quite the winning streak. Among her victories are a male Dwarf, a kind female Wood Elf, and a smug Human. Unfortunately, she is bested by a very large Goliath.   In the evenings when there are official song and story competitions, much of the party participates. They listen to several stories, but among them a couple stand out: a Dwarf who speaks of the times the ogres slaughtered dwarves in Faydwer, and an Elf that tells an unconventional tale of the Combine Empire and their move to Luclin. Carlos tells the story of his encounter with Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane posing as a lone traveler. They became traveling partners until Carlos grew too suspicious of this traveler's charismatic abilities.   Ellie suggests Roswyn become a pirate to cover up her unsightly eye. Roswyn compromises and suggests just the eyepatch for now. Equipped with her new costume, she heads back to the Heartwood Tavern to start another arm wrestling tournament. Unfortunately, she loses her first match against a Human. Yarver seeks to consult with his mentor, Belgo, and heads to the druid guild hall. Belgo says he's returning to Rivervale for some time but will return in several weeks.   As the first musical competition approaches, the party decides to go all-out for their performance. They begin with various designs of face painting: Carlos gets a black guitar across his face, Arya gets a lightning bolt across his face, and Ellie and Roswyn get faeries. Their performance is spectacular and successful. Various illusions, clouds of fog, and glowing lights give Kelethin a theatrical performance it is not accustomed to. After their performance, Roswyn heads back for revenge on the Human that beat her in arm wrestling that morning. Then the party has a drinking competition amongst themselves to see who can handle their alcohol the best. Turns out, its Roswyn. Other hijinks ensue as the party participates in birdwatching competitions and pie eating contests. One day, Carlos is recognized by a group of people from Ellirion, but manages to talk his way out of what seems to be an imminent altercation.   Throughout the festival, Ellie tells an old Vah'Shir cautionary tale of a man and a fish. It has murder, magic, and life wisdom. Something most Vah Shir from Shar Vahl would know. But it does not do well to the Norrathian audience. Carlos follows up after her story and does his best to expand the story and use his talents to make it more palatable for the audience. Arya also participates in the storytelling, telling an obfuscated version of his own childhood story but replacing himself with a princess for more sympathy.   One story resonates strongly with Ellie: a story by an old Elf named Aliane Rainmist. He tells a long story of the Combine Empire's journey to Luclin and the events immediately after. She finds him after the show and has a drink with him, learning more about him and his connection to Luclin.   On the second to last day, they are summoned by Maesyn once again. Given the needs of the elves and his conversations with Briseis Au'Lune, he enlists the party into a serious quest. Whereas he was previously cautious of sending them on dangerous tasks, they have since proven their abilities and are now among the most valuable assets Kelethin has. They are tasked with heading to Emerald Outpost to lead several groups of soldiers in defending the Echo Canyon from an attack by gathering Orc forces. They are allowed to finish the festival, but must leave immediately after.   On the final day of the festival, the party is invited to participate in that evening's final competition. They spend the entire day practicing and designing their final performance. The ruffians from a couple days ago return on the last day and attempt to stab Carlos in the middle of a crowd, but are paralyzed by several druids before they can and immediately apprehended by several guards before they are dragged away by the necks. Carlos briskly moves passed the situation, pretending it didn't happen. That evening, the party puts on its most spectacular visual display yet. It takes them very far in the competition, but unfortunately they are just barely beat out by a familiar face: Sisle Songsung. She wins the king's lute, but after the show offers it to Carlos, who reluctantly takes it. Turns out, she already has an enchanted instrument handed down by her family.

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