Umeiyah Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Together with Klarab in Al-Rahia and Muhar in Hateria, Umeiyah is one of the great three great western ports of Habuda.   Umeiyah has a very good harbour.


About 10,000 of the people in the city originally came from the Alasafa Earldom


The city is run by the Guild Council, which answers to the Earl

Guilds and Factions

  • Salt Merchants Guild
  • Fish Processors Guild
  • Timber Merchants Guild
  • Shipbuilders Association
The city is also the home for the Freedom for Alasafa organization, a group that is dedicated to the overthrough of the Earls of Alasafa


The city is located on a peninsular headland that creates a very strong harbour.     The city itself sits at the end of the headland which is almost an island with only a narrow neck of less than 100 meters connecting it to the mainland.
Owning Organization

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