Muhar Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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This is the most important port on the western coast of Habuda.  Muhar is the second largest city in all of Habuda and 16th largest on Cantumland.   The port means this is a fairly cosmopolitan city.   Besket people from Habuda and Lalinia are very common sights.   Angshire people from Atonia are common as well.   Kauuvettian people from both Atonia and Habuda are the next largest group.


The population is mainly Eurabic, but there is a sizeable Besketian population with smaller Angshiran and Kauuvattian populations


The city is governed by a council of guild leaders

Industry & Trade

This is the major seaport for the Ravsak basin   There is also a lot of shipbuilding and ship repair


There are numerous quays and a large number of shipyards.   There is a canal from Maba to Muhar to allow for river-borne traffic to reach the port

Guilds and Factions

  • Grain Merchants Guild
  • Shipyard owners association
  • Merchantile Guild
  • Wine Merchants Guild
  • Shipwrights Guild
  • Riverman's Guild
Alternative Name(s)
The Port
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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