Trip to the Despairing Swamp in Noreria | World Anvil
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Trip to the Despairing Swamp

Excerpt from the personal diary of Juur Arazor, sent to the main temple of Idikai along with his compass, a dagger and 15 silver coins.  Also enclosed was a note from Mr. Faelo Anond, a local fisherman.
  Tomorrow I am heading to the island swamp of Khar, sometimes known as the Despairing Swamp, in search of not only the Lily of Despair, but also a witch rumored to live on the island.  We have always heard that the island is uninhabited, but as I travelled across Shabuz, I started hearing rumors.  The closer I got to Shanuraz, on the Northern Point, the more rumors there were, though the details are vague.  No one is very clear on who, exactly, this witch is, and even the accounts of whether she lives there are contradictory. Some stories say that if anyone goes to the island on a day outside the accepted Lily Harvest Days, those people never return.  One old man told me that when the wind is right, you can hear the despairing wails of the lost souls.  Likely where the swamp got its name.  It's all utter nonsense, of course.  If there is anyone living out there, it is most likely a harmless old woman.  I cannot get over how superstitious they are in some of these more remote villages!
  But how can I pass on this opportunity? I've had to rent a small boat from a local fisherman, as no one will take me to the actual island. I'm making a day of it, having the inkeeper's wife pack me a lunch that I can eat on the island.  I've also got my pigments to do some sketches, and I plan on making some drawings I can send on to the temple along with my writeup.  Truly, I'm hoping to see a kitamander in the flesh!  I am so excited by the prospect of tomorrow's upcoming trip that I am having difficulty falling asleep.  I shall have to try, however.  To tomorrow!
  Following is the note from Mr. Anond: Temple folk, These here things belonged to yer boy Juur.  I tried to tell him not to go out there to the island, but he wouldn't listen.  You know how the young are, always thinking they know best.  I let him rent my boat, he was gonna find one anyway and I figgered I might as well make some money rather than somebody else.  My boat floated back to shore a couple days later, with just these things in it.  I been over to the island since then, and ain't seen him since.  Sure wish he woulda listened, he seemed like a good kid.  Thought I should send you his things, case he had family.  


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