Wallacian Campaign Session #15 Report in Norath | World Anvil

Wallacian Campaign Session #15

General Summary

Southwest Wallacia
On the party's last full day in Westport, Cernan received a missive from his home temple back in Pharesia. He was being recalled to deal with an "issue" that required his special talents, and he parted company with his comrades in The Scurry. Cernan said that he did not know when, or even if, he would be able to return to Wallacia.   The following morning, the party left the west gate of the city, heading back towards the Province of Phandalin and Thundertree to meet with a mysterious woman in an abandoned town. The first couple days travel through the principality of Westland passed uneventfully. However, once they crossed the border into the untamed, forest-covered hills of the province to the west, the trip became more "interesting".   Near the end of their first night in the province, they were met by two large bears which were foraging near their camp. The first attempt to placate the bears with some food scraps only whetted their appetites. However, Sauroff was able to give them enough food to satisfy them, at least long enough for the party to break camp and move away.   The second day passed without incident. The third day saw them reaching the detour to the north near sunset. As the party left the ancient paved road of the Tri-Boar Trail for the more rustic detour, they passed several large boulders on both sides of the trail. The party had traveled this route twice before, and Sauroff noticed that the tops of some of the boulders were different than he remembered. He shouted a warning to his comrades just before six large rock creatures slithered down to attack. The creatures were similar to one the party encountered back in Cragmaw Castle, with long snake-like bodies ending a beaked mouth surrounded by four tentacles. At that time, they learned that the creature had been called a "grick" by the goblinoid residents of the castle.   The gricks concentrated on Koravhik, as the other party members kept their distance to attack them with spells and missile weapons. Despite this, the party was able to slay the creatures without losing any of their own. The party was able to retrieve one of the grick's beaks, which Koravhik added to his collection. After taking a short rest, the party decided to travel a few miles further before making camp for the night. However, they soon found their path blocked by a fallen large tree lying across the detour trail.   The party was leery of the tree, as it did not appear to leave a deep hole when its roots were pulled out of the ground. However, when they tried to move around the tree at a distance, vines on the ground suddenly sprang up into vaguely humanoid shapes that attacked. The tree stood up as well, and also began swinging it's huge limbs against the party. Attempts to charm the violent foliage were unsuccessful, and the party found necessary to cut their foes down. Also burned down, struck lightning, and poked with arrows.   After traveling a few miles longer, the party was finally able to find a safe camping spot and got a long night's rest. The following day the party continued northward, leaving the detour trail as it forded the Cragmaw stream and following the rocky waterway. About midday, the heavy brush suddenly erupted as the party was attacked by...

Rewards Granted

Each party member received 621 XP.   Koravhik added one grick beak to his collection.
Report Date
23 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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