Brigand's Bay Geographic Location in Norath | World Anvil

Brigand's Bay

This deepwater bay lies across a narrow strait from Cape Storm to the south. It is the only safe port for several days travel along the trade route between the Inner Sea and the Solaran Sea. This made it a favorite haunt for pirates in the years following The Shattering, resulting in the name Brigand's Bay.   Once Wallace the Bold drove out the pirates, he and his successors have made several attempts to change the name of the bay to something more respectful. However, most mapmakers reside in older kingdoms which look down upon the "upstart" kingdom of Wallacia. These cartographers continue to use the original Brigand's Bay name in part to curry favor with the rulers of their homelands.


Southwest Wallacia
This inlet at the mouth of the Arle River is about 30 miles wide at its south exit into the strait, and about 75 miles long from the south to the Arle River delta in the north.   The western 4/5 of the outlet to the sea is filled with rocky shoals just below the surface. Often nicknamed The Titan's Maw, incoming and outgoing tides stream as white water rapids over the rocks, like spittle over the lower jaw of an immense giant. Some local fisherman claim that they can safely pilot small sail boats across the shoals; however, they would charge a large fee for anyone wanting them to make such an attempt.   The shoals culminate in a small rocky island upon which the Wallacians have built a small castle. The tallest tower is topped with a permanent green fire, serving as a lighthouse for the bay. The middle of the castle houses a small school of wizardry for magically-gifted citizens of the kingdom. The top of the westernmost tower is rounded off and appears to be melted. Some say that a young apprentice sorceress lost control of a spell, and almost destroyed the entire castle before her instructor was able to dispel it.   Across a narrow channel to the east lies a tall black cliff. The castle on top of this cliff has a domineering view of the channel. Siege engines mounted here and on the island castle to the west provide overlapping coverage of the channel. The castle is also the royal residence of the King of Wallacia.   Just north of the castle is a protected bay which has been expanded by a man-made breakwater. The capital city of Wallacia, Blackrock, was build on the shores of this bay.   In the northwest corner of Brigand's Bay is an aptly-named Long Island. This island runs parallel to the coast at the city of Westport, providing additional shelter to smaller ships and river craft which dock there.
Estuary / River delta
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