Camille Character in Nora | World Anvil


Camille, the First Psion

  ***This article is an incomplete placeholder to be expanded on later***   Camille, also known as The Divine Mind, Our Three-Eyed Lady, and the Daughter of War, is the only child of Orloch and Seigna. Her father being an active participant in countless conflicts and her mother constantly on the hunt for her next prey, she was forced to raise herself and mature quickly. She did not condemn or harbor any hatred towards her parents for this. Instead, she thanked them, as this solitude and self-reliance is what led her to develop her mental fortitude and establish her own unique magick in Psionic Gifts. She shared her gift with those of the Risen race she deemed worthy, who remained few and far between. A settlement was established in the previously uninhabitable southern continent of the Frozen Wastes for her most dedicated of followers, meant as a haven for those who wish to live and learn the psionic arts in a solitary commune.   
Appearance and Depictions
  Camille bears the appearance of a half-Ehrlen half-Ohrlen woman, though she does favor her mother's Ehrlen side more. She has smooth dark skin, unmolested by scars or tattooing, and long, black curly hair that falls past her shoulders and collarbone. Like her father, she bears a third eye in the center of her forehead and small tusk like fangs protruding from her lower lip. Her eyes bear the milky white hue of blindness and remain open at all times. She is often seen with two extra manifested pairs of arms that are posed in mudras for meditation, and wears vivid blue and gold robes sewn for her by Kiran, along with a white fur shawl from a great beast hunted by Seigna. Emblems depicting her worship are portrayed by a skull, the cranial cavity split open and empty to reveal a glowing eye floating in the center. Artworks depicting her will often show her levitating, legs crossed and all arms posed in different mudras. Pieces of her are very uncommon due to psionic gifts being a rare form of magick, though she may be depicted in murals next to her parents.  
Powers and Followers
  Camille is the creator of Psionics and the founder of it's practice and studies among the Risen. She is a paragon of both telekinetic and telepathic arts and is without equal in her ability. Her mind is said to be able to rip even the largest stones from the earth and reshape the terrain around her without lifting a finger. Her telepathy can strip away all but the most resilient of minds, delving into innermost thoughts and secrets and communicating at great distances without speaking. Although her eyes display all signs of blindness, her powers allow for a vision that far exceeds the limitations of eyes. Much to her parents' dismay she refuses to wield any weapons, only relying on her magickal prowess.   Followers of Camille are found exclusively amongst psions. As these are the only people she favors or influences in their life, others simply have no reason to offer her prayer except in a vague hope to receive her gift. Mind's Bastion is a settlement founded in the Frozen Wastes where her most dedicated followers gather to worship her.


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