Ryba Character in Nor | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The Witch Queen, Lady Occult)

Ryba is the Evil Goddess of Witches, Hags and Misandry.  She is a symbol of Female dominance, and Occult power used by women, especially when used by against men.  Jynos is a Minor Power, just short of Demi-god status.  She is known for corrupting the minds of Women and forcing them to kill their male partners.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Charm, Evil, Trickery

Holy Books & Codes

The FAte of the Strong Woman was a book written by a unknown witch.  Despites it's innocent Title, the book is a deceptively clever introduction to the teaching of Jynos.  While it start off as a very tame tome, giving advice to women on to present themselves in a strong manner, by the time one gets half way through the book, they are let to believe that the Males of the th species are flawed in irredeemable ways.  The rest of the book lays out the dogma of the cult of Ryba and prayers and rituals that make up the worship of the Witch Goddess.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Symbol of Ryba is three moon with a full moon in the center, and a Waning Crescant to the left and a Waxing Crescent to the right.

Tenets of Faith

  • Female is the most powerful sex, and should rule over all others.  
  • Men are for protecting the young and breeding.  
  • True Occult power lies in the heart of the female.  
  • Men are to be subjected or destroyed once their useful is over. 

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The consolidation of power in the world in the hands of the female gender.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ryba was once a witch in the service of a Powerful Warlord during the Time of Chaos.  Her employer used and abused her, and she had no choice but to suffer through it, as women had power in the land at the time.  This lasted for many year, until she made a pact with a more powerful Patron, ad was able to use her magic to destroy the Warlord and many of the other men who had supported him.

She basically took rulership but was opposed by many. She was ruthless in her defense of her new role, often torturing the men who opposed her. Eventually enough of her opressor banded together to stop her once and for all, but she was saved a horrible fate by Tahkene, who she had caught the attention of.

The Goddess raised her to a minor Power rather then let her die. It is said over the next few years she visited a terrible revenge on those who opposed her, through curses that have persistes for generations.

Personality Characteristics


The Power is driven by it's hatred of the Male Gender and it's need to consolidate power, especially magical occult power in the hands of women.
Divine Classification
Minor Power
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
312 BS 1188 Years old
The World of Nor


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