Neptune Glorian Character in Nor | World Anvil

Neptune Glorian

StormLord Neptune Glorian

High Priest and SotrmLord of Our Lady of the Shoals. He runs the temple and provides priestly services for the people of Haram Bay for a price. He is known around the bay to be self serving man, which fit in with the rest of the Pirates of Haram Bay. His temple does not offer charity like a lot of other temples would, and he certainly does not take in orphans. If anyone needs a service from Neptune they can expect to pay dearly for it.

Neptune is of the Stormbringer Sect of Tempest priest. His sect believes that Tempest is a cruel mistress and only those willing to appease her will find fortune on the seas. He takes offering to provide blessing on voyages, and expects a small cut of any profit that a blessed ship may return with. If he finds that a crew returns with a good cargo and have not offered a share to the temple, he will not be so quick to bless their next journey.   GAMEMASTER: Neptune is a 7th level cleric of Tempest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Neptune is a portly man, with a body not used to manual labor. While he is not obese, he doesn't seem to be in the right shape to act as a crew for a pirate ship. He would find it difficult to climb rigging or pull the heavy lines of the sails.

Facial Features

Neptune is clean shaven, but has a scar that runs from his chin across his lower jaw to below his left ear. He has not explained how he got it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While Neptune's early history is unknown he served as a ships Chaplin for a Pirate crew before he ended up in Haram Bay. He says the crew abandoned him after running into some hard times. He also said that they did not listen to him about being dutifully respectful of Tempest and giving her, her due, but other have said he was thrown off for not pulling his weight.
Either way, Neptune saw that the priest in the bay was holding ceremonies at the beech, and thought that tempest needed something more tangible, so he arranged for the building of Our Lady of the Shoals.
Unfortunately the old priest never did get to see the temple as he disappeared before it was truly opened. Some say he was killed by rebel Mocar.
Neptune has been administering to the folks of the bay for the last few years.

Personality Characteristics


Neptune' devotion to his goddess is absolute and he is dedicated to ensure the people of Haram Bay learn the proper way to worship Tempest so ensure their prosperity.


Neotune always smell of Tuna.
Current Status
Serving as head priest of Our Lady of the Shoals
Current Location
about late forties
Current Residence
Haram Bay
squinty green like when there is too much algae in the sea
Long grey and stringy, unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark and weathered
Stormbringer (Tempest)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
The World of Nor


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