Living Forest of Nor by Sarn Treegazer Document in Nor | World Anvil

Living Forest of Nor by Sarn Treegazer

This scroll is a collection or essays about the several living forest of Nor.  It was written by a famous scholar who was a member of the Great Academy of Freeport.  It is a collection of Scrolls detailing his thought on the Great Living Forest and how they came to be.  There is also an article on each of the known forest on Nor.  It has been duplicated many times and can be found in several libraries and other places.  
    The Forests outlined are The Great Forest North Of Eroth known as the Mystic Wood, The Godswood in Western Emic, and The Fell in the Black Lands and The Forest of Elvenhome, south of Emic.
The Book contains a foreword by the author, who explains the special qualities of a living forest and what aspects are used to identify one. It also explains a bit about his theory of how the Forest is connected to the ethereal plane, and the land of Faerie.
  The next few chapters are notes taken form scholars who have visited the forests with the explicit intent to study them and their findings. It contains information on cutting from the trees, and a catalog of the creatures that can be found there. Many of the same types of creatures can be found in each of the forests , even though they span across two different continents.
  The next few chapters are interview conducted with people who live or work near the forests, or even in them. Their tales are varied but all have a sense of the forest having some type of overarching intelligence.
Lastly the book concludes with a summary of other areas that may contain the same types of forest but have not been studied yet. There is a small section on a forest in Lain that no longer exists that may have been a living forest, but it was destroyed by the Queen.


To present the research doen on the Living Forests by various scholars and stories of the same.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The Book has been published and is avaialble in many large libraries. It has been officially drafted into the Great Library of Gillidan.
Authoring Date
The World of Nor


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