S!auren-Drakekin Dominance War Military Conflict in Noirox | World Anvil

S!auren-Drakekin Dominance War

The conflict between the S!auren and the Mont!aar was a bitter one. Both species were recovering from a total cultural reset after the Shockwaves, both reverted to more primitive methods and technologies.


The s!auren were bigger, stronger, tougher, and had stronger venom than the Mont!aar but also comparitively few. Physically, a s!auren was a match for any four mont!aar, and the mont!aar only outnumbered them three to one.


The mont!aar had two advantages that the s!auren did not, however. They were marginally smarter, and much more communal. Though both were solitary ambush predators by nature, the s!auren were much more aggressive towards their own kind.

  S!auren society before the shockwaves operated in spite of their natural aggression, while mont!aar recognised like alike and would not bring harm to one another unless desperate. This allowed the mont!aar to not only have better natural teamwork than their enemies, it allowed them to make overtures to the third common sophont they shared their environment with - the anoli. Mont!aar-anoli alliances formed spontaneously over and over again across the southern continent, and in every place it happened they saw the s!auren killed or driven off.   The s!auren eventually retreated from the wetlands and mangroves favoured by the mont!aar and anoli respectively, leaving the allies to found their own civilisation.

The Conflict


The s!auren retreated from their habitual territories, further into the deep jungle.


The mont!aar-anoli alliances settled into mutualistic communities that eventually developed into tribes.  

The s!auren never recovered, and within five years vanished from the face of the world - or at least the awareness of the drakekin.

Historical Significance

The conflict that would eventually be named the s!auren-drakekin dominance war started as a series of skirmishes between the post-shockwave s!auren, mont!aar and anoli tribes. Mont!aar, anoli, and s!auren alike prefer to live in the coastal areas of the southern continent, hunting among the mangroves and mud flats, along the edges of rivers and in the shallow jungle. They came to blows regularly over kills and territory. The mont!aar and anoli organised much more quickly than the s!auren, who lost most of their young males to infighting before ever coming into contact with outsiders.


As the three factions began to organise, running battles became more common as the mont!aar and anoli could not stand against the s!auren in straight combat. The anoli were particularly effective at hit-and-run tactics with their high levels of treeborn maneuverability.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Formation of the drakekin peoples, extinction of the s!auren


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