Crown of Victory Item in Nino Hogoku (Second Sanctuary) | World Anvil
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Crown of Victory

History and Function of the Crown

This crown is infused with the spirit of the goddess Nike, as such the wearer of the crown becomes possessed by and turned into a reincarnation of Nike till which time the crown is taken off. While the crown is on the wearer is no longer in control and their body morphs into a version of Nike, the wearer's psyche is placed within that of Nike and as such, she can hear the wearer in the back of her mind. While the wearer has no control of their morphed body they can with mental effort cause such a rucuss within Nike's mind that she becomes temporarily dazed, for example arguing intensely over the action of the decision. Extensive use of the crown by any wearer will cause a psychic melding of the two minds so that Nike is a voice in the back of the wearers head while not in morphed form.


Current Bearer


Manufacturing process

The infusion of the pure spirit of the goddess Nike into the diadem.


Religion for the cult of victory
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Only on in existence
Base Price
not for sale
Raw materials & Components
A metal diadem with a wreath of laurel leaves sprouting to form the rest of the crown.


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