New Sanctum in Nilaris | World Anvil
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New Sanctum

No more than a hundred years ago dozens of small villages lined the eastern coast of "The Land Of The Free people",
known as the "Towns Of Perrowia", each with their own laws and views as they were almost exclusively inhabited by pirates and whores. Ships from all the western realms had to pass these buccaneers when traveling to "Ljo'Nuthimba" or "Chiáo Xin", until the noble merchants of
Karag'Ha built a grand fortress right in the center of the shoreline and placed a small fleet in the heart of "Perrowia". The soldiers had been sent here as anti piracy personnel and had after only a year demolished half the "Towns Of Perrowia" and conquered most of the nearby islands. This act of aggression against the "Free People" erupted into something never foreseen by even the most renowned historians.

Treaty Of The Free People

A Captain of a small crew named "Flynn Ailborough" had lost everything and everyone, not with him on his ship, to an attack by the Karag soldiers and since his vessel were not even capable of handling just one of the soldiers
frigates, he took it upon himself to unify as many crews as possible to reestablish the freedom which used to rule Perrowia. And so he did, an alliance of more than thirty captains and at least a hundred ships set sail from the island in the middle of the Perrowian Sea, the Sanctuary Of Red Sand, towards an organized attack on their oppressors. As no one had seen a unification of pirates coming, the Karag'Ha fortress, which were not entirely finished yet, was besieged in a matter of days, the soldiers on the walls were slaughtered and sent back to their masters on rafts painted with their blood. Flynn assured the captains that the Karag'Ha would be back, and likely in even greater numbers, and so a treaty of cooperation between the different crews were written, stating that they are not bound to make peace with one another, yet will unify in times where their fellow freedom is threatened and created a freehold for all the crews to gather, around the newly acquired fortress dubbed "New Sanctum"

The City's Current State

Despite there being dozens of crews in the city at all times,
who consider each other enemies on the open sea, crime is no more prominent then in the slums of Ahl'Khun Astu. The agreement of keeping the city a sanctuary for all, still seems to be the common understanding. Since the conquest of the fortress, a village rose, then a town eventually it became the grand metropolis it is today and alongside the pirates many people from around the world has later settled here and made the city so much more than a buccaneer filled junkyard. There are a dozen districts in the city all from the "Shipyard", where they repair broken vessels, to the "Spice Gardens", where you can find fruits, spices and rum from all over Nilaris, there even a is a district compiled only of temples for different faiths. The city guard is called the "Bulwark" and is controlled by the "Governor", who is elected by the captains of the surviving crews that originally helped create the "Sanctum".


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