Verdan Species in Nilam | World Anvil


The verdan owe their existence to chaos. Descended and transformed from a large clan of goblins and hobgoblins, those who became the verdan were simply living their lives, doing goblinoid things. But then some unknown magical event changed them forever.   When whatever magical event mutated the verdan, their skin was turned the color of jade and their blood began to flow black. Their ears grew pointed, and they gained a limited form of telepathy — but at the cost of forgetting their history. The underground homes of the goblins were places of terror to the new creatures those goblins became, and the verdan quickly fled to the surface and into the sunlight.   When they arrived in the new lands of the surface, the verdan found that they were often mistaken for smaller, green-skinned half-elves. In Kalin the less educated may even confuse them for a Wild Elf.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Verdan are thought to originate from the ancient growing Hobgoblin Empire in Archin, dispersing when whatever changed them took place. Since then they are often found in small enclaves around the world, though mostly in Archin.
Verdan reach adulthood at around the age of 24, and it is thought that they might live to nearly 120 years old.
Average Height
Verdan start out similar in size to the goblins they were created from, ranging from 3 to 4 feet in height. But at some point after reaching maturity, each verdan undergoes a sudden growth spurt of 2 feet or more, becoming roughly similar to Humans in size.


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