Vekierr Character in Nielea | World Anvil
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The Lord of Wraith & Vengeance

A fallen deity who embodies all of his wrath and feeds off of the anger of both mortal and immortal kind. Vekierr lurks in the shadows of Sepulcher, looking for chances to lure in angry mortals in order to make deals with them in order to make them his pawns. He comes off as cold and methodical to his followers and those who lend him their ear- but he maintains control over them with an iron fist and the threat of his ever expansive wrath

Divine Domains

Wrath, Mistrust, & Vengeance

Personality Characteristics


Vekierr wishes to inflict his wrath and anger upon the world for being denied access to a loved one he lost long ago. He hopes to ovethrow the Deities in order to gain his freedom and the ability to use his unlimited power for whatever he desires; including bringing back his lost love.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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