The Deities Organization in Nielea | World Anvil
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The Deities

The pantheon of Nielea, consisting of 8 major deities who work on the major workings of the universe, and 24 minor deities who each work with each of the major deities as equals in maintaining the same part of the universe as the major deity they work with.


While all of the deities are equally powerful, Meridis is seen as the first deity and thus the de facto leader. Bébhin acts as a judge and mediator between the deities. And the major deities act as the handlers for the minor deities.

Public Agenda

To maintain all of the universe and its dimensions, as well to protect it from any and all threats.
Founding Date
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
the Gods, the Goddesses, the Protectors,
The Deities
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Myths

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