The Snipers Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Snipers

The Snipers are primarily a specialized long ranged mercenary band. Their marksmen are available for hire to the heaviest purse but the guild also has long standing contracts with many of the The Noble Houses, including 2 Great Houses: House Marigold and House Von Griswold. The demand for specially trained long range soldiers is high among the nobility due to their inclination towards the prestige of having valorous knights in their retinue rather than shady sharpshooters.   Secretly they are willing to handle riskier jobs, that their competition wont; things that cannot go through official channels for legal reasons, or things that are in direct opposition to the kingdom's laws. Although there is no rule stating that members must keep their faces hidden, almost all of them do, they generally prefer to remain anonymous.

Public Agenda

The Snipers main goal is the acquisition of gold and they go about it in a variety of ways: They have long term contracts with a great many noble houses, including 2 Great Houses.   They are also information brokers, they sell their intelligence to the highest bidder, it is rumored that their biggest client are the The Night Masks because the Snipers and the Night Masks are secretly allies.   They will sometimes engage in bounty hunting as well, but will only put up with the hassle if the price is right.   Contrary to the nobility of the knightly orders that abide by a code of honor, the Sniper mercenaries abide solely by their contracts which stipulate:  
  • The Employer hiring a Sniper may either engage their chosen mercenary directly, or request the services of the Mercenary Guild.
  • Payment for services will be made in advance, to the Treasurer of the Sniper's Guild. This will then be held in escrow until the completion of the contract.
  • Upon completion of the contract, the funds held in escrow will be released by the Guild Treasurer to the mercenaries involved.
  • In the event that a Mercenary fails to complete their contract, all funds held in escrow will be returned to the Employer. In instances of partial contract completion, a compensation payment may be negotiated.
  • Spoils of war are expected when hired to engage living foes, and functions as the mercenary's bonus.
  • Contracts where mercenaries are hired to engage dead foes will be charged at a higher rate.
  • "Deeds, not Words"

    -The response of a Sniper to the question: what are the words of your guild?
    Alternative Names
    Marksmen, Sharpshooters
    Controlled Territories
    Notable Members


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