House Hune Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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House Hune

House Hune are most well known for their trading empire and their mixed elven heritage. They facilitate trade between the Kingdom of man with the elves of the Elven Enclave, the dwarves of The Fellhammer Clan and with the orcs of The Wardancer Clan. House Hune are very much the diplomats of the kingdom when dealing with the other powers of the realm, they have the most far reaching connections and influence due to their prior trade dealings.


The Hune family is well regarded by the others for their polite nobles and amiable demeanor. The Hune motto might as well be: "It is better to make friends than enemies", they rarely take offense to others and always seek peaceful solutions to problems; some say it is their elven blood that gives them temperance but regardless of the reason they are famous for their tolerance and peaceful ways.

Public Agenda

House Hune seeks co-operation and open trade with all kingdoms, they are the great purveyor of goods. They help establish trade routes to newly settled lands, they help maintain the roads and build new ones, they go out on diplomatic missions to the other Kingdoms. The Hune family have excellent relations with all the other great Houses and a great many of the minor houses as well, the House they get along with the best is House Redblossom with whom they often intermarry.


  • The trade ways (and the tolls they exact)
  • Connections and Influence
  • Fleet of Caravans
  • Order of Sappers
  • History

    House Hune is 300 years old and the last addition to the great Houses. An elven maiden by the name of Anariel from House Redblossom fell in love with a human ranger of no House and of no father, as such the elven maid was disowned by her family. The aasimar child the couple sired went on to become the most benevolent and well loved of all the Queens to ever govern the realm, she ushered in an era of peace and stability for the peoples of all the kingdoms. Since the elf maiden was no longer of any family she created her own house and named it Hune (which means acceptance or love in elvish). She stills looks over her House, though she gave the reigns over long ago to her descendants, she acts as advisor and diplomat for the House.


    House Hune has no proper military force to speak of since they prefer to build bridges rather than burn them down. That said they do have House guards but they are mainly equipped with non lethal weapons. Their biggest force however have come to call themselves the Order of the Sappers, they do so ironically because they are no knightly order; they are engineers, miners, lumberjacks, builders, carpenters, masons and mages. The order of sappers specialize in building and maintaining roads, bridges, levies, keeps and the like. During the Great war however the Order of Sappers was put to use making and manning siege engines, tunneling under enemy fortifications, shaping battlefields and general logistics.


    House Hune believes in and reveres the new god Sarenrae as the family's patron diety. They closely espouse the goddess' ways that teaches temperance and patience in all things, compassion and peace are her greatest virtues, and if enemies can be redeemed, they should be.

    Foreign Relations

  • Fellhammer Dwarves
  • Elven Enclave
  • Wardancer Orcs
  • "Commerce and Honest Friendship"

    Geopolitical, Great house
    Alternative Names
    Trade Lords
    Parent Organization


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