Velvet Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Velvet's human disguise (left) and something closer to her true monstrous form (right)
  'Velvet' is the alias taken by a shoggoth summoned by The Goose to serve it on the Material Plane. She can usually be seen in The Goose's company in her human guise, often carrying her master or serving him delicious bread. Velvet herself often smiles and gazes at mortals that catch her fancy with hungering eyes.   She was first glimpsed by Kaylin Tramaer, who nearly went mad at the sight of Velvet's true form, during an incomplete summoning ritual. Following the death of Kaylin's companions, The Goose managed to pull off the summoning ritual correctly and bring forth his servant. Shortly afterwards, Velvet assisted her master with summoning Kishin and collecting the newly reincarnated Vinnie Vice. The group then set out to craft The Goose a necklace that would allow it to speak directly to mortals (without killing them) and inadvertently saved a nation from certain destruction in the process.


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