Gorignak, the Runecrafter Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Gorignak, the Runecrafter

Gorignak is the last stone giant in Lothal, perhaps in all of Nexus, and the region's sole practitioner in the ancient art of runecrafting. When Gorignak was a boy, the high priest of Stronmaus came through the area gathering giants for an invasion of the Nine Hells intended to slay Tiamat herself. Too young to accompany most of his tribe, Gorignak stayed behind under the care of his grandfather, who himself was too old to make the trip. Under his grandfather's tutelage, Gorignak learned the ways of runecrafting that were long considered a lost art by most races but still known to his family.   Before his training could be completed, Gorignak's grandfather sadly passed away as age finally caught up with him. With no one to keep him company, Gorignak continued to study runecrafting on his own using his grandfather's notes. He also took up another task that had long belonged to his people: keeping the local hill giants in line. Unlike the other types of giants, the hill giants were not recruited to attack Tiamat due to their limited intelligence. Gorignak was checking in on a pair of these giants when he noticed Kiri trying to sneak past them.   Kiri, having been cursed and left in the wilds by Levira, confidently snuck past the hill giants only to be surprised by Gorignak greeting him. His grandfather had always said to keep his distance from the smallfolk, but Gorignak sensed something different about Kiri and escorted the adventurer out of the mountain. Along the way, Gorignak spoke about his runecrafting and invited Kiri to visit him again sometime.   Kiri later took Gorignak up on his offer, returning along with Chigiri and Hugh. The group had several of their items enchanted with runes, giving Gorignak a chance to apply some real-world practice to all his training. When their visit was over, Gorignak used his ability to teleport between mountains to get the group back home quicker. While his only other encounter with the Headhunters was brief, they were able to observe that Gorignak had made a mountain dryad lady friend.  

After the Shadows Unleashed campaign

Sometime after the war against the Morlocks, Gorignak and his mountain dryad girlfriend were married and he began doing official runecrafting work for the Adventurer's Guild with sponsorship from the Headhunters.


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