Endless Athenaeum Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Endless Athenaeum

The Endless Athenaeum is the domain of the goddess Ioun, the Knowing Mistress. It is an endless, mystical library where virtually any and every fact from across the planes can be found, provided you have the diligence to research it. The books, scrolls, and other writings here are written in every known language, though this matters little as visitors find they can read, speak, and understand every language while within the Endless Athenaeum. This realm is particularly well hidden, as only those whom Ioun views as worthy may enter it. Indeed, the doors to the Endless Athenaeum are typically found in remote regions where only those who put the pursuit of knowledge before all else would dare venture.   The magics that protect the Endless Athenaeum are ancient and powerful. Some say that these protections are handled by Ioun directly while others claim the library manages itself as an extension of its creator's will. No magic works inside the library save for divination magic, though any divination magic cast from the outside that targets the library will have no effect.   It is said to be impossible to remove knowledge from the Endless Athenaeum, for the library remembers what enters it. This applies to individuals as well; those visiting the library can see shades of both past visitors and visitors who have yet to come wandering its halls. These shades include all welcomed by Ioun as worthy in their pursuit of knowledge, whether their intentions are for evil or good. Her only concern is the purity of that pursuit for the sake of freely shared knowledge; any who wish to horde what they learn here will find themselves forever searching fruitlessly for the information they seek.
Dimensional plane


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