Diir Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Diir is a typical derro, insane yet tolerated by other beings in the Underdark so long as he doesn't cause too much trouble. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for Diir (or so is his opinion on the matter), Diir commonly claims that "trouble" is his middle name and has made himself a career criminal in Brazenthrone as a thief & smuggler. He seems to have an odd knack for evading the Blade Guard, always staying just one step ahead of any attempts to capture or kill him. The scorn that official authorities feel for him is counterbalanced by the opinions of Brazenthrone's small yet skilled criminal element, who frequently make use of his services.  

Journey Into the Underdark Arc

Early Sightings

Among the adventurers of the Thaig Expedition, Diir was first spotted by a bat summoned by the druid Bogo. It saw Diir running from a squad of guards when a group of citizens started a brawl in the street, allowing Diir to escape in the chaos as he yelled that the guards will never catch him. Not long after, the dragon Yolheimsu'um summoned the adventurers and tasked them with finding a magical tome stolen from his horde; Diir was one his list of suspects and the adventurers agreed that he seemed to be the most likely candidate. Galmin Firechains advised them to seek out the Blade Guard for more information, mentioning a bounty on Diir's head and how the he had long been a thorn in the law's side.  

Search for Diir

Thinking it likely Diir was indeed the thief, the adventurers set about looking for him. They helped the Blade Guard hunt an OoPA to get on Captain Brannas Blackaxe's good side, which gained them an escort through Brazenthrone to the Old City where the derro slums were located. Things went a little sideways there and forced the party to flee into the tunnels beneath the Old Palace to avoid an angry mob, but it was there they manged to locate Diir. The derro was conducting a dark ritual that was transforming his fellow derro into aberrations, which Elycia spied upon before reporting back to her companions.   The adventurers attacked as a group soon after, planning to both stop the ritual from progressing further and capture Diir. Despite their efforts, which allowed them to slay several of his cohorts, Diir and the newly transformed derro escaped down a side passage and destroyed the wooden straights supporting it to collapse the tunnel and block any pursuit. The adventurers decided running around the long way would be faster than trying to tunnel through the rubble. While his cohorts battled the adventurers that burst into the chamber, Diir thought better of it and remained invisible to better flee once the fighting started.   The next the adventurers saw of him, he was standing beside Santaura as she was preparing to use a red magic crystal on the remains of the Light Gundam. When the adventurers attacked to stop her, Diir jumped into the fray to "assist". While he may be an expert thief, Diir quickly proved himself to be of no real help when it came to combat. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to lay so much as a single injury on any of the adventurers. Santaura was soon defeated and Darkonda appeared to take the red crystal, teleporting away soon after and taking Diir with him.

Character Portrait image: Derro by MichaelJaecks


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