Lightkeepers & Guardian Frames in NEXUS | World Anvil
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Lightkeepers & Guardian Frames

The Sol Council determines what laws to enforce and how the Terran Defense Corps operates. AEGIS works with the Corps but it is independent. Lightkeepers are entrusted to keep the peace across the system for the betterment of all society, generally however they choose. The Admiral of AEGIS considers the organization outside of any jurisdictional or political laws and directs Captains to command Squadrons as they see fit. They consider themselves a sovereign entity working on behalf of all of humanity, however they execute their authorities and use force whenever they feel necessary to ensure the safety of the species.   Lightkeepers are high ranking AEGIS officers, authorized to act as universal peacekeepers without specific jurisdiction and minimal oversight. The chain of command starts at individual Lightkeepers, their Squadron Commander, their Captain who issues operation orders, the Admiral of AEGIS, and finally the Sol Council.  


Lightkeepers pilot armored exosuits called Guardian Frames by interfacing an implanted microchip called a MIND Link which directly connects their brains to the robotics system. Guardian Frames are launched into missions from Injection Pods which are located at every Frame Launch Facility. They also use Injection Pods to extract from missions. Launch stations are located in almost every major city and colony.   There are several active Lightkeepers assigned to safeguard numerous locations throughout the New Terra, primarily on Earth. Squadrons are grouped together into teams of three. There are additional Elite teams throughout the system as well which operate somewhat separately. Veritas Station is the primary facility and home to the elite Morningstar Squadron who executes special operations without any jurisdiction.  

Guardian Frame Classes

The base Guardian Frame model widely used by Lightkeepers is the Knight. However, the player has access to eight specialist classes of experimental Guardian Frames. These classes consist of:     Each Guardian Frame class has their own special abilities, advantages, and drawbacks. They are not separate models per se, but can be selected for use and enhanced based on the skills players unlock over the course of their gameplay. They a wide variety of futuristic weapons and abilities in combat.   

Other Squadrons

Bastion is the home to the all-female Valkyrie Squadron. They have modified their Frames to have large mechanical wings and additional thrusters to fly. They are seen as celebrities by the residents of Bastion.   Ares Station is home to Knight Squadron and its lone Lightkeeper, Galahad. Earth's moon Luna claims the Omega Squadron consisting of three skilled Lightkeeper pilots to bolster its defenses and swiftly respond to any hostile incursions by Mars' Red Star. Omega squadron is composed of the unhinged Volkov twins and their Commander. Their Frames have additional armor plating and heavy weaponry.