Republic of the Ridge Organization in Nexolith | World Anvil
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Republic of the Ridge

The many city kingdoms of the dwarves exist in peace with each other, and though they are all very independent and capable, there does exist a pact of loyalty between them all. The governing power of this Republic is very limited, almost all business is business of outside interaction. War, trade and other political posturing with the nations of man, and elf, and gnome. Each mountain city sends a representative to the Ridge Council; a dwarf of high standing, but never the leader of the city. The headquartersof the council can be found in the neutral ground of CENTRE CITY NAME TBD.

Demography and Population

The many
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
All common coins carry their value here, and most dwarves will have enough knowledge of rare metals and gems to be used as currency as well.
Legislative Body
The original Council of the Ridge was held by the leaders of the mountain cities after centuries of war between them, outlining a peaceful agreement to be followed by all dwarvish cities in the Republic. The council today is responsible for dealing with matters to do with the other nations of the world, though cities will often have their own relationships with any nearby foreign cities. With only these small exceptions, each city is self governed.
Judicial Body
The Council of the Ridge today makes sure that the agreement set down by the first Council is followed by the members of the Republic. Within the walls of each city, a guard will be posted that ensures law is followed within.


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