Roleplay Rewards System

Roleplay Challenge Rewards

  This article provides a series of different roleplay challenges you can undertake in your solos. They provide a few perks for sprinkling in roleplay before you jump into combat; things like an Inspiration Point, Downtime Currency, extra reputation for slaying monsters for a guild, additional experience, or--and probably most significantly--earn amazing items once per tier.  

Arrival in Dragonsmoke Introductory Quest

Gain 600 Experience (Skip Level 2)
  Complete a roleplay scenario involving your character’s arrival in Dragonsmoke Archipelago with at least 5 lines of dialogue or narration. After this scenario, complete an easy quest, which must include one combat encounter and one skill challenge. Write a brief summary of the scenario and quest, approximately 1-3 sentences and post it in the #character-journal channel. Link to the post in your session and ping a validator when you log your rewards in your #character-journal thread to claim 600 experience points.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts an Arrival in Dragonsmoke challenge" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with **[600 experience points]()**." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Easy Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Brief Summary and link to journal entry [Completed]()." 

General Roleplay System Reward

Gain an Inspiration Point
  Utilizing !roleplay complete a roleplay scenario involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue. Earn an inspiration point for the next combat encounter or skill challenge.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with an **[Inspiration Point]()**." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]()." 

Roleplay Addressing Conflict In Your Character's Story

Double Bounty Reputation (per encounter)
  Utilizing !roleplay conflict complete a roleplay scenario involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue, then complete a combat encounter associated to a guild bounty. Earn double the reputation reward with that guild for that encounter. If you would receive a bonus to the same reputation reward from multiple sources, the multiplication from roleplay is only applied to the base reputation reward earned in an encounter.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Conflict)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character by doubling their **Reputation Reward**." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]() 
:white_square_button: Guild Bounty Combat Encounter [Completed]()." 
Character Change
  Utilizing !roleplay conflict complete five roleplay scenarios involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue each. After the first, second, and third roleplay scenario, complete an medium combat encounter, or medium skill challenge. After the fourth roleplay scenario, complete a hard combat encounter. Following the fifth roleplay scenario, you may change your race, class, or subclass.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Conflict)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character by unlocking an immediate change of your Race, Class, Subclass, or Class Feature Choices." 
-f ":white_check_mark: First Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fourth Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Hard Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fifth Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]()."

Roleplay Introducing Contacts Your Character Develops

Downtime Currency
  Utilizing !roleplay contact complete a roleplay scenario involving your character and an NPC with at least ten lines of dialogue, then complete a quest of easy difficulty related to the roleplay scenario. Earn one downtime currency of the reviewing DM's choice.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Contact)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with a Downtime Currency (Contact, Divine Favor, or Lore) of the reviewing DM's choice." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with ten lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed]()." 
Negate Insurance Costs
  Utilizing !roleplay contact complete five roleplay scenarios involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue each. After the first, second, and third roleplay scenario, complete an easy combat encounter, or easy skill challenge. After the fourth roleplay scenario, complete a medium combat encounter. Following the fifth roleplay scenario, you may negate any insurance costs accrued during this session.  
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Contact)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character by negating the **Insurance Costs** accrued during this session." 
-f ":white_check_mark: First Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fourth Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Medium Combat Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fifth Roleplay Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]()."
Alternative Wizard Spell Acquisition
  Utilizing !roleplay contact complete a roleplay scenario involving your character and an NPC with at least ten lines of dialogue, then complete a quest of easy difficulty related to the roleplay scenario. Earn one spell of 5th level or lower directly into your spellbook (DM's choice).    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Contact)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with a spell of 5th level or lower directly added into their spellbooks (DM's choice and Wizards Only)." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with ten lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed]()." 
Alternative Familiar Acquisition
  Utilizing !roleplay contact complete a roleplay scenario involving your character and an NPC with at least ten lines of dialogue, then complete a quest of easy difficulty related to the roleplay scenario. Gain access to a specific familiar as an added option. This special familiar can be any of the specially defined creatures that mention acting as familiars such as Abyssal Chickens, Gazers, and Koibras.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Contact)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with access to a special familiar with validator approval." 
-f ":white_check_mark: Roleplay Scenario with ten lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Easy Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Medium Encounter/Skill Challenge [Completed]()." 

Roleplay Pursuing Your Character's Ultimate Goals

Gain Bonus Experience
  Utilizing !roleplay goal complete a medium or harder quest with the listed goal at the end, then write a narrative summary describing how the quest came to be. Add that summary as a journal entry in the #character-journals channel, log the entry in your #character-logs thread, and ping the Validator role. As a reward you will receive bonus experience equal to one hundred times your character's level. Journal Entries also qualify for bonus xp equal to their word count. You can use the !RPXP alias to calculate the word count.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Roleplay Challenge (Goal)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with bonus experience equal to one hundred times their current level." 
-f ":white_check_mark: First Medium Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Medium Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Medium Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Final Hard Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Narrative Summary and Journal Entry in #character-journals, around ten lines or more [Completed]()." 
Armament of Legacy Roleplay Goal
  Utilizing !roleplay goal complete five roleplay scenarios involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue each. After the first, second, and third roleplay scenarios, complete a hard quest. After the fourth roleplay scenario, complete three deadly combat encounters and a fast difficult skill challenge. Following the fifth roleplay scenario, earn a magic item from the list below. Only you can attune to the item and the item has no monetary value. A character may attempt this option or the dragon's hoard item option once per tier, but not both.    
!tembed -title "**{**{name}**}** attempts a Armament of Legacy Challenge (Goal)" -desc "Completion of these requirements rewards the character with a character specific magic item chosen from a [limited list]([]( 
:white_check_mark: First RP Scenario and Hard Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second RP Scenario and Hard Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third RP Scenario and Hard Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fourth RP Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: First Deadly Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Second Deadly Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Third Deadly Encounter [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fast Hard Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fifth RP Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]()."
Dragon Hoard Roleplay Goal
  Certain items in the list below have additional requirements to enhance them to their fullest abilities. As above, to begin the process of awakening the Dragon Hoard items, utilizing !roleplay goal complete the following:
  • Five roleplay scenarios involving your character and an NPC with at least five lines of dialogue each.
  • After the first, second, and third roleplay scenarios, complete a hard quest.
  • The final encounter of the third quest must include a chromatic dragon, metallic dragon, or gem dragon, which you fight in its lair.
  • In Tier I, the dragon must be a wyrmling. In Tier II, you must face a young dragon. In Tier III, you must face an adult dragon. Finally, in Tier IV, the dragon must be ancient.
  • Following the completion of the Tier specific dragon encounter, complete a fourth roleplay scenario, then complete three deadly combat encounters without the use of the Dragon Hoard item, without completing a long rest, representing your defense of the hoard while the Dragon Hoard item "steeps."
  • Finally, complete a fast hard skill challenge, followed by a fifth roleplay scenario.
As a note; you cannot long rest between the fight against the dragon and the three following Deadly Encounters, although you may short rest as normal, following the server’s resting rules.   At the completion of these tasks, you may select a magic item from the list below marked as a Dragon Hoard item, and add one hoard reward to your session rewards. A character may attempt this option or the Armament of Legacy option once per tier, but not both. Completion of this option in subsequent tiers enhances your Dragon Hoard item's awakening status by one step. If you have obtained a Dragon Hoard item from another source, you may use a Dragon Hoard Challenge of an appropriate tier to enhance your Dragon Hoard item's awakening status.    
!tembed -title 'name attempts a Dragon Hoard Challenge (Goal)' -desc 'Upon completion of the following requirements, you may choose one Dragon Hoard Item from [the Dragon Hoard]( table, or further empower another item from the same table. Additionally, you claim the contents of the dragons hoard.
You cannot long rest between the fight against the dragon and the three following Deadly Encounters.' 
-f ':white_check_mark: 1st RP Scenario and Hard Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 2nd RP Scenario and Hard Quest [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 3rd RP Scenario and Hard Quest facing an [Age] [Color] Dragon [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 4th RP Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]().' 
-f ':white_square_button: 1st Deadly Encounter defending the hoard [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 2nd Deadly Encounter defending the hoard [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 3rd Deadly Encounter defending the hoard [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: Fast Hard Skill Challenge [Completed](). 
:white_square_button: 5th RP Scenario with five lines of dialogue [Completed]().'

Magic Item Roleplay Rewards

Tier I Options Tier II Options Tier III Options Tier IV Options
- Adamantium Geode - -
All Purpose Tool +15 All Purpose Tool +25 All Purpose Tool +35 All Purpose Tool +415
Amulet of the Devout +15 Amulet of the Devout +25 Amulet of the Devout +35 Amulet of the Devout +415
Arcane Grimoire +15 Arcane Grimoire +25 Arcane Grimoire +35 Arcane Grimoire +415
Bloodwell Vial +15 Bloodwell Vial +25 Bloodwell Vial +35 Bloodwell Vial +415
Bonded Crystal +15 Bonded Crystal +25 Bonded Crystal +35 Bonded Crystal +415
Dragonhide Belt +15 Dragonhide Belt +25 Dragonhide Belt +35 Dragonhide Belt +415
Insignia of Claws +15 Insignia of Claws +25 Insignia of Claws +35 Insignia of Claws +4125
Khyber Crystal +15 Khyber Crystal +25 Khyber Crystal +35 Khyber Crystal +415
Moon Sickle +15 Moon Sickle +25 Moon Sickle +35 Moon Sickle +415
Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +15 Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +25 Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +35 Rhythm-Maker’s Drum +415
Rod of the Pact Keeper +15 Rod of the Pact Keeper +25 Rod of the Pact Keeper +35 Rod of the Pact Keeper +415
Shield +15 Shield +25 Shield +35 Shield +4125
Wand of the Magister +15 Wand of the Magister +25 Wand of the Magister +35 Wand of the Magister +415
Weapon +15 Weapon +25 Weapon +35 Weapon +4125
Gunlance (Standard) Gunlance (Dormant) Gunlance (Awakened)3 Gunlance (Exalted)3
- Danoth's Visor (Dormant) Danoth's Visor (Awakened)3 Danoth's Visor (Exalted)3
- Grimoire Infinitus (Dormant) Grimoire Infinitus (Awakened)3 Grimoire Infinitus (Exalted)3
- Hide of Feral Guardian (Dormant) Hide of Feral Guardian (Awakened)3 Hide of Feral Guardian (Exalted)3
- Infiltrator's Key (Dormant) Infiltrator's Key (Awakened)33 Infiltrator's Key (Exalted)3
- Stormgirdle (Dormant) Stormgirdle (Awakened)3 Stormgirdle (Exalted)3
- Verminshroud (Dormant) Verminshroud (Awakened)3 Verminshroud (Exalted)3
- Wreath of the Prism (Dormant) Wreath of the Prism (Awakened)3 Wreath of the Prism (Exalted)3
- Blade of Broken Mirrors (Dormant)4 Blade of Broken Mirrors (Awakened)3 Blade of Broken Mirrors (Exalted)3
- Grovelthrash (Dormant)4 Grovelthrash (Awakened)3 Grovelthrash (Exalted)3
- Lash of Shadows (Dormant)4 Lash of Shadows (Awakened)3 Lash of Shadows (Exalted)3
- Mace of the Black Crown (Dormant)4 Mace of the Black Crown (Awakened)3 Mace of the Black Crown (Exalted)3
- Ruin's Wake (Dormant)4 Ruin's Wake (Awakened)3 Ruin's Wake (Exalted)3
- Silken Spite (Dormant)4 Silken Spite (Awakened)3 Silken Spite (Exalted)3
- The Bloody End (Dormant)4 The Bloody End (Awakened)3 The Bloody End (Exalted)3
- Will of the Talon (Dormant)4 Will of the Talon (Awakened)3 Will of the Talon (Exalted)3
- Covenant (Dormant) Covenant (Awakened)3 Covenant (Exalted)3
- Current (Dormant) Current (Awakened)3 Current (Exalted)3
- Duality (Dormant) Duality (Awakened)3 Duality (Exalted)3
- Guardian (Dormant) Guardian (Awakened)3 Guardian (Exalted)3
- Reckoning (Dormant) Reckoning (Awakened)3 Reckoning (Exalted)3
- Singularity (Dormant) Singularity (Awakened)3 Singularity (Exalted)3
- Cosmic Quill (Dormant) Cosmic Quill (Awakened)3 Cosmic Quill (Exalted)3
1 +4 items are only available to characters who have completed the requirements to obtain the previous three tiers.   2 This item requires attunement.   3 A character must have obtained the Dormant version of the item to quest for the Awakened or an Awakened version to quest for an Exalted version. Dormant versions can also be obtained by DM Quests in Tier III or Tier IV.     4 The DM awarding this item will roll for the beneficial and detrimental properties at each stage.   5 Legacy Gear (+# items) can have properties rolled for by the Validator or DM from the special features tables in the dmg but a detailed write-up will need to be drafted by the player in order to qualify. These rolled properties do not stack if you aim for them again in a later RPGQ series for the same item.  

Dragon Hoard Item Roleplay Rewards

Tier I Options Tier II Options Tier III Options Tier IV Options
Dragon's Wrath Weapon (Slumbering) Dragon's Wrath Weapon (Stirring) Dragon's Wrath Weapon (Wakened) Dragon's Wrath Weapon (Ascendant)5
Dragon-Touched Focus (Slumbering) Dragon-Touched Focus (Stirring) Dragon-Touched Focus (Wakened) Dragon-Touched Focus (Ascendant)5
Dragon Vessel (Slumbering) Dragon Vessel (Stirring) Dragon Vessel (Wakened) Dragon Vessel (Ascendant)5
Scaled Ornament (Slumbering) Scaled Ornament (Stirring) Scaled Ornament (Wakened) Scaled Ornament (Ascendant)5
5 A character must have obtained the Slumbering version of the item to quest for the Stirring, Wakened, or Ascendant version. Slumbering versions can also be obtained by DM Quests in Tier II, Tier III, or Tier IV.

Table of Contents