Powerhouse Companions


Powerhouse Companions

W   hat do we mean when we say Powerhouse Companions? Basically we are now going to allow you to take up to four of your own characters that are within 1 level of each other and jump into a solo session. This is limited to solo sessions only, meaning you cannot take a Powerhouse Companion pair into an Arena or other DM-led event but you can take them alonside other players characters in DuoSolos. Although each individual character may still participate in other events as normal. However, if the 1 level rule is violated, then they may not stay as a pair.
  It is a different style of "playing the game" which is offered as an alternative to pure soloing. It enables you to level two or more characters at once, provides a safer soloing experience, and makes it easier to tackle more difficult challenges.   Here are the mechanical disctinctions to consider before embarking on a Powerhousing Adventure.
  1. All characters will continue to start at level 1; you cannot make a free level 6 character to play with your level 6 character. You must start at level one and work your way up.
  2. Powerhouse Companions are each a full player character. They track their own downtime, their own experience, their own magic items, their own coin, and so on.
  3. Rewards claimed from Powerhousing sessions are split in half; half experience, half gold, half gem and art value, half magical equipment. This half depends on the number of characters, so if you have four, rewards will be split in quarters.
  4. These characters cannot buy or sell gear to each other as with normal PCs but can share gear within the adventure.
  5. Tier I Powerhouse Companions receive a 25% chance of receiving a treasure hoard upon completing a session which includes a quest, and this rate increases each session a hoard is not awarded. When a hoard is awarded, this rate resets for both characters, and they split the one hoard equally, just as with any other reward.

Powerhouse Companions and Magic Items

"What's the intention of this rule?"
    The general policy on the server is that one player's characters fundamentally do not exist from the perspective of their other characters. This rule is meant to secure that policy, while still allowing the exception of more characters to adventure with one another. Narratively, it is ludicrous, but its necessary mechanically.
  "Is this to stop you picking up a magical item... with the sole intention of swapping the item to another character of yours?"
  "What happens if during the PHC quest... Companion 1 finds an item but you'd rather it went to compantion 2?"
    Any treasure and experience acquired during a PHC quest is split evenly among the characters at session approval. Once you have decided which item goes to which character, it is considered that character's item.
  "The rule does not prevent or prohibit gifting items between your own PCs. Intentional?"
    Permanently gifting items between any characters is currently prohibited. A character may only sell an item to another player's character for no less than 50% of fair market value. This rule doesn't lift that restriction for PHC.
  "If during a PHC quest... does this rule prevent transferring an item temporarily between characters in the context of the quest."
    No. Characters may share items during the quest, including weapons, armor, magic items, and consumables. At the end of the session, original ownership is restored. If PHCs adventure together permanently and exclusively this rule has little bearing on them.
  "Does this prevent an Artificer from giving an Infusion to a companion?"
    For the duration that they adventure together, characters may benefit from Artificer Infusions or any other applicable class features. Once they part, original ownership is restored.
  "If PHC#1 has a magical item that requires... attunement that they don't meet the criteria for, can they loan that to PHC#2 for the duration of the quest, provided they meet all other criteria."
  "Given that I can move items between my PCs trivially by simply employing another player on the server to act as a go-between and recompensing them for their expenditure of downtime, why not just add a tax to moving items between characters?"
    Thankfully, this has so far not been attempted. As all downtime activities, including permanent item exchanges, need to be approved by a DM, the DM would not approve this exchange as it violates this rule.
  "Can PHCs backstab each other and steal/claim the other's loot from their former companion's cold, dead hands?"        
    When a PC dies, their equipment dies with them. Because original ownership of the items never transfers between PHCs, the backstabbing companion would not be able to keep any items looted from their fallen companion beyond the end of the session.However, you can transfer items between PHCs within a session in order to roleplay out this scenario if you wish. The backstabbing companion would therefore be able to use the looted items until the end of the session. Please don’t abuse this privilege by running a never-ending marathon session or it may be revoked.