
Waytravel to Meadowglade...

A pleasant warmth suffuses your body as you step from the waypoint beneath the wide, shading branches of a large elm tree. A few strides across the soft grass finds you in the midst of an idyllic plain, beside a quietly burbling spring fed creek leading into a wide clean pool beneath a blue sky dotted with white clouds. The fields of Meadowglade are pleasant and calming.   Tier IV Waypoint | The Iron Coin will not allow anyone through of 16th level or lower.

Meadowglade Solo Encounters

CR 3: Siren
CR 4: Winged Bull
CR 5: Unicorn
CR 6: Annis Hag
CR 7: Tree Blight
CR 8: Corpse Flower
CR 9: Conclave Dryad
CR 10: Spring Eladrin
CR 11: Gynosphinx
CR 12: Ki-rin
CR 13: Canopic Golem


Creatures which linger overlong within Meadowglade are consumed by lethargy. At the end of each hour spent within Meadowglade, a creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be slowed, as though by the Slow spell. This condition can only be removed by Greater Restoration or Wish or by spending 20 days of downtime on recovery.
Long-Term Effect: Catatonia. If a creature suffering from the slowed effect caused by Stupor remains for 24 hours within Meadowglade after becoming slowed, they then become incapacitated. This condition can only removed by Resurrection or Wish. If Resurrection is used, the creature suffers the normal penalties as though they had been restored to life.

Natural Resources

Creatures inhabiting Meadowglade are likely drawn to nimbus silk and may be in the vicinity of stands of trees wreathed in the mystical material.
New World Harvesting Guide

Nimbus Silk

Spun from wind-worms farmed on the drifting sky cities of Bytopia, nimbus silk is prized far and wide for its mysterious properties. It’s known across the planes by many names — cloth-o’-the-cloud, thunderthread, typhoon rope, and more — but is universally sought after as a luxury.
Unit value: 750 gp
Armor: A creature wearing medium or heavy armor lined with nimbus silk make stealth checks without the disadvantage such armor would normally impart. A creature possessing light armor lined with nimbus silk is able to doff and don that armor as an action.
Weapon: Ranged weapons made from or strung with nimbus silk, such as a sling or longbow, ignore the effects of high winds, and can make attacks at their long range without suffering disadvantage.

Meadowglade Special Encounters

  The following encounters appear only intermittently. When they have been slain, Notify a DM as they do not return automatically. Khathemyr and Belasaera return after a week, if The Conduit has not been slain. The Conduit never returns while any character which has previously slain him stands in his lair, nor will the Khathemyr or Belasaera return to face one who has defeated The Conduit. For all others, The Conduit returns one week after it has last been slain. Though you may need to fight some of these enemies multiple times in order to fulfill the prerequisites to summon another enemy, they only impart their rewards to a given character once.  

Khathemyr of Dothion

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 21: Isperia Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: Khathemyr of Dothion   Additional details regarding this Isperia.
  • To summon Khathemyr of Dothion, a character must upset the balance. Complete three hard quests in which you destroy a Canopic Golem.
  • Expend one Lore to specifically summon Khathemyr of Dothion, otherwise roll 1d20. On a result of 11 or above, Belasaera of Shurrock is summoned instead.
  • When the golems have been destroyed, Khathemyr takes a full day to materialize. During this time, the Canopic Golems attempt to reform. Spend one downtime day within Meadowglade to keep their pieces separate.
Encounter Notes
Upon his defeat, Khathemyr of Dothion releases a flash of light, then immediately becomes Belasaera of Shurrock who is hostile to the characters. From this point forward, no matter the outcome of the encounter with Belasaera, Khathemyr cannot reform until a full week has passed.


Belasaera of Shurrock

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 23: Empyrean Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: Belasaera of Shurrock   Additional details regarding this empyrean.
  • To summon Belasaera of Shurrock, a character must upset the balance. Complete three hard quests in which you destroy a Canopic Golem.
  • Expend one Lore to specifically summon Belasaera of Shurrock, otherwise roll 1d20. On a result of 10 or below, Khathemyr of Dothion is summoned instead.
  • When the golems have been destroyed, Belasaera takes a full day to materialize. During this time, the Canopic Golems attempt to reform. Spend one downtime day within Meadowglade to keep their pieces separate.
Encounter Notes
Upon her defeat, Belasaera of Shurrock releases a flash of light, then immediately becomes Khathemyr of Dothion who is hostile to the characters. From this point forward, no matter the outcome of the encounter with Khathemyr, Belasaera cannot reform until a full week has passed.


The Conduit

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 23: Ancient Silver Dragon Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: The Conduit   Additional details regarding this Ancient Silver Dragon.
  • The Conduit only appears in Meadowglade when both Belasaera of Shurrock and Khathemyr of Dothion are regenerating.
  • The Conduit is beloved by the gods and serves to protect the balance of the cosmos. A character must sacrifice three Divine Favor to turn their sight, else they will be destroyed utterly at the outset of the battle.
  • As a final measure to draw The Conduit's attention, a character must be a threat to the balance within Meadowglade. The character must complete a hard quest, in which it defeats a Ki-rin. The Conduit arrives immediately following the Ki-rin's death.
Encounter Notes
Meadowglade is sacred ground which empowers The Conduit. While within its confines, its Breath Weapon recharges on a result of 4, 5, or 6. Furthermore, it can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Conduit regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The Conduit makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Tail Attack. The Conduit makes a tail attack.
Prismatic Breath. The Conduit changes the damage type of its Cold Breath. It can choose between acid, cold, fire, lightning, or radiant damage.
Revitalize (Costs 2 Actions). The Conduit regains 52 (5d20) hit points. It also regains a use of Legendary Resistance, up to a maximum of 3.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.


Easy Combat Encounter
1x CR6 Annis Hag
2x CR4 Two Winged Bulls
3x CR3 Three Sirens

Medium Combat Encounter
1x CR8 Corpse Flower
1x CR7 & 1x CR5
- Tree Blight and Unicorn
2x CR6 Two Annis Hags
3x CR4 Winged Bulls

Hard Combat Encounter
1x CR10 Spring Eladrin
1x CR9 & 1x CR4
- Conclave Dryad and Winged Bull
3x CR6 Three Annis Hags
4x CR5 Four Unicorns

Deadly Combat Encounter
1x CR13 Canopic Golem
1x CR12 & 1x CR4
- Ki-rin and Winged Bull
1x CR11 & 1x CR6
- Gynosphinx and Annis Hag
2x CR9 Two Conclave Dryads
3x CR7 Three Tree Blights