Holy Church of Helen Organization in New Haven | World Anvil
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Holy Church of Helen

The most influential and widespread institution of worship of the goddess Helenaphe is the Holy Church of Helen, often alluded to as simply The Church throughout history. It began toward the end of the First Age, spurred on by the rise of The Aunonauts who fought the beastmen in the northern Mindreland. In the wake of the war, various groups called for peace and people would walk the desecrated battlefields, ringing bells to frighten off the crows and burying the bodies where they lay, beast, man, or otherwise. Though some faced persecution for their actions, most were looked upon as inspired individuals, moved to kindness through the grace of Helen herself. The bell-ringers rose to prominence in various townships and preached words of kindness and inclusion. A notable few members achieved something like sainthood and travelled abroad to recite their teachings in faraway lands. The tenets of the Church were thus established this way: reverence for the natural cycles, respect for the living and the dead, and kindness to all.   The construction of the churches was attributed to Damian Abola who ordered the first one built out of the white limestone native to his village. But pelted by the sand-ridden winds, the limestone turned gray and the topmost peak wore down to a dome. Thus the architecture of Helen's churches became widely known.   As the cities of the Mindreland grew in size, so did the power of the Church and strongholds took root in Lutol, Thegrory, Pfinsk, Barerose, Meysie, and Manatz. These cities either featured especially devout followers, impressive monuments, or were sites of historical importance. Annual meetings begun with representatives of these cities which became monthly. These officials banded together beneath the organization known as the Church of Helen and negotiated religious rights and funding from their respective cities.   The structure of the Church’s political body has changed considerably over the years, but has always maintained at least fifteen deacons and an elected head priest. It’s headquarters was placed at Faun until the Great Fall when it was moved to Thegrory. Over time, its influence grew and expanded, reaching even the smallest of hamlets. When Mewor Orman became head priest, inquisitions were ignited the world's various pagan beliefs and the Winnowers of Helen were found or reforged. Though his time was short, Orman forever changed the dynamic of the Church from a one of purely faith to that of persecution and political maneuvering.
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Religious, Organised Religion
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