ROGUE SIX: This is a D.U.M.B. Encounter Report Report in New Champions Universe | World Anvil

ROGUE SIX: This is a D.U.M.B. Encounter Report

General Summary

  Agents Ricochet, Sparks, Hunter and Tinker entered the Deep Underground Military Base (D.U.M.B.) after a long trek into the depths of the mountain. Finally, they reached a large storage area showing all the signs of years of neglect. Searching for the power cells, the eventually found where they thought they were stored, but as they worked to tamper with the cell storage casing, suddenly the room came alive, literally transforming into some kind of robotic assembly station or something.   Tinker was trapped between transforming parts and had to be freed with some clever MacGyvering. But the others dodged any harm. Robots appeared from wall sections that just opened up and closed behind them, and they began working on things that looked rather worrysome. But most trouble of all was a well-armed security pillar that appeared at the top of a tower that rose near the center of the large room.   Hunter immediately started to take shots at this new threat, and it fired back. Seeing some other concerning movement among the worker bots, the team discovered that they were powering up a chamber across the room from them, and it eventually opened to reveal some kind of vat.    But still nothing seemed especially dire until a robotic form rose from the was Mechanon.   Apparently, it was not fully formed, or uploaded with the deadly villainous robotic monster yet, but the bots remained hard at work. Sparks did what he could to interrupt their programming, one bot at a time, while the others tried to deal with the Security pillar and the energizing pulse-cannons that were feeding the Mechanon body with power.   Just in time, they managed to take out the security pillar and damage the pulse cannons enough to interrupt the final stages of bringing Mechanon back to life. However, capitalizing on the available robot body, a villain unknown to the Agents, but well-known to the New Champions, entered the body and decided to take it for his own.   Moments later, Socrates managed to get through on Comms and invited the agents to rally with the New Champions, especially in light of this new threat.
New Champions Protocol - Season 1 & 2
Jerry J. Vahn
Jamie Richards
Rex Miller
Maximum Resistance
Jim Jorgenson
Player Journals
This was a DUMB thing.... by Jerry J. Vahn
Report Date
19 Jul 2021


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