Horrors at the Asylum Part 5 Report Report in New Champions Universe | World Anvil

Horrors at the Asylum Part 5 Report

General Summary

Divided between two dimensions, the New Champions were in unfamiliar territory -- three heroes searching through a maximum security cell block floating in an ethereal plane while the others were seemingly trapped in an inter-dimensional pathway. Sandcrab, Nemesis, and Wildthing investigated the prison while Cypher, Faust, Ghost, and Windwalker were trapped in the 'in-between' with their new friend Blue Wave.   Having threatened the two mutants who had stepped out of the prison portal -- Fire Fighter and Cursed -- Blue Wave became their most obvious target. Cursed unleashed a blast of sickness and putrefaction at Blue Wave which caught him off-guard.   But the team sprang into action quickly, coming to Blue Wave's aid. Between Stevie's electrical blasts, Faust's blinding flashes of light, and Ghosts repeated pummeling, the two mutants were quickly knocked to the ground unconscious.   However, in the midst of the fray, the green-skinned woman going by the name "Istvatha" re-appeared in the inter-dimensional pathway. Still blinded from Cypher's previous attack, she screamed in frustration, "AGH! Where am I? I know I made it through the portal!"   But unbeknownst to her, Cypher had looped the portals -- Istvatha was trapped in the inter-dimensional pathway with the New Champions. Sensing the smell of decay from Cursed and the heat from Fire Fighter, she called out to them.   Faust was quick to act, flying directly into her -- the force of his fists sending her (and himself) reeling backward. Now blind and further disoriented, Istvatha sustained a continued barrage of attacks from the New Champions. Cypher attempted to drain her power, but she absorbed his attack with black and green swirls of energy appearing from her nose and mouth.   However, the crushing blows came from Ghost, who delivered three swirling punches, blazingly fast into the blinded and prostrate foe. As her first, second, and third punches pushed Istvatha into unconsciousness, her green skin faded and the destabilizing forces that previously surrounded her vanished.   Blue Wave spoke to the team pleadingly, "That's Julie. Don't hurt her...she doesn't know what she's done!"   Back in the prison cell block, in another dimension, the team continued investigating. But soon afterward, the green hue from the "open" prison portal turned red - the team was trapped. Even still, they continued searching for answers.   Sandcrab discovered several clues. First -- a scrap of paper with a list of cities on it -- " M.C., San Fran, Dallas, Tokyo, Kiev, and Rome." The word "Rome" was circled.   In another cell, Sandcrab discovered a badly mutated humanoid holding a packet of ramen noodles in one hand and a hand-written list of names in the other. The names included: "Armond, Fairfax, Katie E., Donavon, and Webb". The word Webb was underlined three times.   And in third cell, Sandcrab pointed out to Wildthing a series of scratch-carvings which seemed to have been painted over. Wildthing considered the markings and determined that they were a calendar consisting of ninety days. A list of tick-marks was just beneath the calendar - counting the number of deaths versus transformations. The number of deaths was staggering, but the transformations were very few.   Wildthing met with a prisoner named "Stanford", who had been in the cells for at least six years and didn't know anything about Destroyer's takeover. Curiously, of all of the experimentations done, none of them affected him. However, after years of imprisonment, he was severely depressed.   Sandcrab finally visited with a group of prisoners in the last cell block who claimed to have been detained for only three years. Their 'leader" was named "Martin". He had knowledge of Destroyer's take-over and even admitted to having formed a resistance. While they had escaped Destroyer's view, NexHuman somehow captured them and began running experiments. He also remarked that none of them had been successful - no mutations had occurred in his group.   As Wildthing and Sandcrab began to release all of the non-threatening prisoners from their cells, it became obvious that they were still trapped. One of Cypher's bots made it through the prison portal and attempted to communicate with Sandcrab with red flashing lights. The prison portal had been closed and was now glowing "red".   Back in the inter-dimensional pathway, with all of the foes defeated, an eerie silence returned. Cypher explained how he had looped the portals and then proceeded to return them to normal operation. As soon as he did, the Portal Bot he was previously controlling spoke with the familiar British accent the team new to be Socrates' voice, "Cypher, can you disconnect the exit portal, please?"   At the same time, the prison portal returned to Green and the released prisoners began pouring into the inter-dimensional pathway.   Will Cypher disconnect the exit portal? Did the heroes in the prison make the right decision on who to release? The story continues...watch the video of this session below:  

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New Champions Protocol - Season 1 & 2
Rex Miller
Player Journals
Nope, just a fire, no proverb to it at all by Cypher
Report Date
06 May 2021