Toma Densharr Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Toma Densharr

"Nothing's changed. You're still the same scared, little child you've always been."
— Toma to Sasha, reuniting after over 5 years
  Toma Densharr was the second oldest of the Densharr Tribe and the brother of Sasha Densharr. He was known to be more focused on training his mind over his body, and rather than hunting, showed an interest in more intricate activities. After the bandit attack that wiped out the Densharr Tribe, Toma wound up joining the Freebooters.  


Toma was a Ka-Tar male, standing at 5'10". He had black, grey, and brown fur, similar to the rest of his family. Toma had mid-neck length, brown hair that he keeps in a tight, low ponytail. His features were very flat and he rarely showed extreme emotion around others. He wore the same rags the rest of his family wore, but seemed to prefer to cover up more, possibly due to his lack of exercise rendering his body thin and without much muscle. Years later, much of his appearance hadn't changed, but he looked more akin to a common bandit, with ragged armor and unkempt features.


Toma's personality was incredibly smug. He seemed to enjoy getting the better of others' intellect, especially his siblings. Toma enjoyed keeping to himself whenever possible, unless he was with Skor Densharr, who he had a history of taking advantage of to avoid repercussions for his behavior.


Toma was born to Tashar Densharr and Nadia Densharr, and spent much of his time as a child avoiding the training others his age went through. Toma showed a great interest in the outside world, and was often found reading books and inspecting foreign objects.
When the bandits attacked, Toma went missing. It's unknown what happened to him over the next 5 years, but he somehow got into contact and joined the Freebooters, becoming the voice of the group. He spoke on Blanche's behalf, delivering orders to the rest of the group in a more eloquent manner.


  • Killed by Sasha Densharr
After being ambushed and held at knifepoint by his sister, Toma antagonized her to the point where she snapped. In one brutal stab to the back of the head, Toma's life came to an abrupt end.


  • Sasha Densharr: Toma and Sasha never really seemed to get along well, but Toma did decide, for whatever reason, to keep her and Yassen's secret trainings from their father. Years later, it was clear that whatever semblance of brotherly love Toma once had for Sasha was dead and gone.
  • Skor Densharr: Toma seemed to delight in keeping Skor around, if for nothing more than to take advantage of his strength and lack of intelligence.


  • Toma, for some reason, wore a dragon-shaped silver brooch in the later years of his life. The significance of this is unknown.

Character Information

  Name: Toma Densharr   Age: 30   Occupation: Voice of the Freebooters   Creature Type: Humanoid   Race: Ka-Tar   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Languages: Common, Ka-Tish   Status: Deceased

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