Davis Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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"Of course, Grandmaster Cookie."
— Davis playing along with Cookie's shenanigans
  Davis was a soldier of Remington Kingdom and the one assigned to personally look after Cookie during her first few weeks spent in the kingdom.


Davis was a Human male of average appearance. He had brown, matted hair, and was all-around very plain. He often wore his Remington soldier uniform, and distinctly kept a steel helm atop his head most of the time.


Davis was a man of incredible patience, able to humor Cookie's absurd antics for weeks on end. He seemed to enjoy the time he spent with her, and did his best to protect her when things became dangerous.


Davis' background is unknown, but it can be assumed that he had a similar upbringing to many other soldiers in Remington. He likely was born in a nearby settlement or the kingdom itself and trained to become a soldier in his late teens or early 20s.


  • Killed by Revolted
At the Nevurdul Festival, Davis was attacked by Revolted. In an effort to keep them away from Cookie, Davis faced his enemies. However, they were too strong, overwhelming him quickly.


  • Cookie: Davis seemed to genuinely enjoy his time with Cookie, despite how frustrating she could be.


  • None.

Character Information

  Name: Davis   Age: Mid 20s   Occupation: Remington Soldier   Creature Type: Humanoid   Race: Human   Alignment: Lawful Good   Languages: Common   Status: Deceased

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