Nyx Character in Nethdria | World Anvil


Goddess of Secret Murder

"Listen, you she-slug, you take another step towards me and I'll suffocate you with a thousand tons of darkness."   She is the knife beneath the cloak, the poison in the goblet about to kill the king, and the double agent whose entire life has been a facade. Nyx is the Goddess of Secret Murder and the patron of assassins and spies. She is also known as the Saint of Secrecy and the Shadow Queen, to the Night Elves of the Underdark, she is known as Lolth, the Queen of Spiders. Nyx appreciates those who lurk in the shadows and finds amusement in the lengths mortals will go to kill for on her behalf. Whether a mortal knows of her existence or not, it is her shadowy will that grants those who work in darkness the fortune they depend on to steal life. She rules from her Infernal realm of Moonhall, a ghastly plane hidden from the eyes of mortals and divine alike. Regarding her demeanor, she is rarely seen or heard from, but she is said to be cynical, grim, and ruthless, only caring for results and style of murder. Among the gods, she has no friends and no true allies, instead she likes to make a web of alliances and parasitically gain from all of them. Less known to mortals, she can also be quite childish, petty, and is often the target of affections from Anathexia, the Saint of Sludge.

Divine Domains

Secret Murder, Deceit, Illusion, Stealth, Secrecy, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

All-seeing eye, a dagger, a skeleton key

Tenets of Faith

Secrecy. Guard both your secrets and mine.   Cunning. Your intelligence is your fiercest weapon.   Betrayal. Those who don't further your plans are a waste.   Investigate. Take no risks; investigate all claims.   Deceit. Tell lies with the same ease in which you take breath.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Saint of Secrecy, Shadow Queen, Queen of Spiders, Weaver, Webweaver
Pure white
Shoulder-length, wavy, dark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smokey blue
Ruled Locations

Articles under Nyx