Utamaii Uprisings Military Conflict in Nedia | World Anvil
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Utamaii Uprisings

Although interactions between the Elves of the Mykigron and the Orcs of the Kentror Mountains trace back even before the foundation of the Emprie, the Empire first began its earnest attempt to incorporate the Utamad'Zum lands in 856 T.E. The Orcs of the foothills, the more civilized Utamaii, were at first quite accommodating of the Elves and eager to trade. However, as it became evident that incorporation involved a relinquishing of agency, a strong resistence emerged and the first Ethelan parties were expelled, only to return in 882 T.E. as a successful invasion force.

First Utamaii Uprising

After the successful conquering of most of Utamad'Zum's land in 904 T.E., the tattered resistance movement was driven deeper into the Kentror Mountains, where Ethelan troops and supply lines famously have difficulty operating. There they stayed as an isolated, independent government that fell into memory. However, over a century later in 1032, they reemerged as the First Utamaii Uprising. Indoctrinating those Utamaii in Imperially controlled settlements close to them, the Brotherhood of the Brave, as they were so styled, garnered a considerable amounts of support from their countrymen and launched a full invasion of Ethelan Utamad'Zum, pushing as far south as the Yegoth Province by 1042. There, their campaign stopped thanks to the brave efforts of then Sergeant Gita Tasat and her company, who were able to maintain the front from the keep in Shanu until reinforcements could be drawn from Askros. The beginnings of the Utamaii Diaspora began during the long battle for Yegoth, as thousands fled the area.

The frontlines remained around Yegoth until the renewed push under Division Commander Halo Paskyan in 1087, who controversially copied the guerilla tactics of the Brotherhood against them. This reclaimed much of the lost land. By 1093, Utamad'Zum had been reclaimed and, thanks to the brave efforts of loyal Utamaii soldiers, new territory in the mountains was claimed for the Crown.

Second Utamaii Uprising


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