Mykigron Geographic Location in Nedia | World Anvil
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The Mykigron Corridor, often shortened to the Mykigron, is a long stretch of verdant land between the Kentror and Vahingol Mountains to its west and east respectively. It buts into the Putontu Woods to its north, and settles into the Harefo plains to its south. The Mykigron is famous for being the Great Homeland of the Ethelan Elves, and the location of Aarimeinby, the Capital of the Empire.


The Mykigron is large wide valley of rolling hills between the Kentror and Vahingol mountains. Cutting through the centre of the valley southward is the Bevur River, a cool and wide river of clean mountain runoff. Unlike most other hilly areas, the Mykigron is covered in a thick, green moss rather than waving fields of grass. Populating the mossy plains are numerous fungal colonies, some so large and numerous as to be considered forests unto themselves.

The Mykigron is divided in two along the Bevur River. The eastern side of the Mykigron is characterized by larger foothills and is so called the Rutomakia. There, due to centuries of Mountain Sick infestation, the gentle slopes are brown and dry, and the fungi whithered and small. The western side, on the other hand, which is sometimes called the Mykigron Proper, is abundantly green and lush, its fungi strong and healthy and its moss thick and soft.

The fungi of the Mykigron are believed to be fruiting bodies of Sienivorst in the Keivilu - Feyrealm that have spread across the Merikesken Plane and sprouted in Nedia.

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