Gnome Species in Nedia | World Anvil
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Gnomes are small, brilliant creatures found across Nedia, but largely on the eastern coasts of Kakon. They are a cunning and creative, but always joyful folk, generally amicable with other humanoid species and races. That being said, one must be careful not to cross a Gnome, as they are known to hold grudges that can last a lifetime, and act on these grudges to the great inconvenience of their enemies.

Gnomes, similarly to their short-statured Halfling brethren, loved simple lives and honest work. Likewise, they preferred underground holes as homes like their Dwarven cousins. However, unlike both, Gnomes tend not to be content to stay home for long, having a penchant for adventure and knowledge acquirement. They have a particular gift for the arcane, leading some to believe they may have Fey ancestry (see Issue of Origin below), which they use to craft inventive machines to great success. Indeed, Gnomish culture revolves around arts and crafts, and the honing of one's skills in creation.

In line with this skill, Gnomes are sly and secretive creatures, who prefer to keep their formulations a mystery from other Humanoids. This secretive nature also spans into Gnomish activities and lifestyles; their homes and towns are often hidden from outsiders, and they have a love for pranks and riddles. It is for this reason that one should stay in a Gnome's good graces, for these pranks can quickly turn sinister should a Gnome have a particular dislike for someone.

Although they have a fondness for their secret homes, Gnomes are adventurers at heart, and can often be found throughout the Empire. They can live in foreign communities for great lengths of time, acting as merchants, artisans, or academics. Indeed, the Royal Academy employs many Gnomes as researchers and professors.

Issue of Origin

The true origin of the gnomes is one of the greatest mysteries in Nedia. From time to time and place to place, they have been seen as sub-species of Humans, Elves, Halflings, and even Dwarves. As such, it has been assumed they had similar origin stories as those peoples. In the Maletsok Territory, for example, they were assumed to have been Pelozerian Halflings created by Manrien the Purveyor in their Sacred History Myth. However, like in all places, Gnomes have proven themselves as a unique people-group altogether. To this day, no one knows for certain where Gnomes come from. See Mystery of the Gnomes



Marnab gnomes are those native to the territory of Maletsok. The Marnab, throughout the Island's history, were seen as merely a sub-culture of Pelozerians (see Halfling). It was only during the Confederacy years that they truly earned their distinction among the Islands’ peoples as a race of their own. The Marnab Gnomes are like a bridge between the Pelozerians and the Dumadhur (see Dwarf) cultures, and one could be forgiven for assuming they are a half-breed of the two, or cousins of one or the other. This remains a point of contention for Maletsokish historians.

Whatever the history, the Marnab are a proud race that have a passion for the robust, loud, and exciting aspects of life. Many Marnab tend toward adventuring across the Islands or even Nedia as a whole, inventing and creating new methods and technologies, or accumulating wealth and influence through commerce. Popular religions among the Marnab are the Society of Trading Hands and the Group of Many Faces (see Luthaenoism).

At the same time, however, Marnab communities tend to be deeply reserved and wary of outsiders; some might even negatively describe them as cliquey, as is the case with the shut-in city of Naratharine or the reclusive town Pejagao. It is because of this exclusivity and trends toward commerce and technology that many outsiders view the Marnab as materialistic and greedy. There is a further distrust of the Marnab due to the Belsumese Controversy.

The Marnab Affair

After the Belsumese Invasion in 1301 T.E., the Marnab-populated Western Islands became ground zero of an invasion force for which the Ethelan were not prepared. Seeing the reckless destruction brought about by the Belsumese, the Marnab of the Western Islands conceded and surrendered their homelands on the condition that they be fully welcomed and protected by the Belsumese Empire. Thereafter, the Marnab came to appreciate their new rulers, even converting en masse to Dailism.

Not much is known of the Belsumese Marnab, as all ties have been cut with them. However, rumours tell that they are helping to build a Belsumese super weapon that could turn the tide of the war. Becasue of the controversy, the Marnab often face prejudice in Maletsok, and are generally distrusted. Belsumese advances in technology are often attributed to the Marnab of the Western Islands.

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