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Dobrid Nations

The Dobrid Nations are the sundry lands in the Maletsok Territory ruled by King Drystan of the House of Gralin, whose family has reigned for nearly an elf-life. The land is divided into sixteen Lents, or parcels of land which have been allocated to the sixteen Lentuards, who are the nobility and aristocracy in the Dobrid lands.

The Lentuards, however, tend not to live among their subjects. Instead, they prefer to live in the capital city of Farenport. There they gather in the Lentuard Mustering, a conclave of sorts where they discuss philosophical matters, advise the King, and debate about how to do both. In their absence, stewards are often assigned to maintain their lands at home while they work in Farenport, although it is common for these stewards to abuse their positions.

Historically, the system operated rather efficiently, with the King acting as a sort of moderator for the Lentuard Mustering debates, keeping peace and good order in his domain while allowing for some autonomy among his noblemen. However, those days are long since over. Kings, in their old age, have tended to veer into senility and fail in their mission to moderate. In centuries of late, kings have come to live longer and longer, with King Drystan being the oldest monarch in history at 98, and the most senile.

The Lentuards, meanwhile, have been driven to haughtiness and seldom come to think of their own territories, choosing to study their books and argue about philosophical and arcane matters while their stewards run with nearly free reign. Were it not for the Empire, the Dobrid would surely have fallen to infighting and even war. As such, most Dobrid consider themselves faithful citizens of The Empress first and subjects of the King second, if at all.

Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Related Ranks & Titles


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