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Brafolkism is the ethnic religion, sometimes called a cult, of the lost Brafolk Tribes (see Brafolk in Human) that settled in the Uremseach Desert Wildlands after the eruption of Mount Darbreduun in Maletsok. Very little is known about the intricacies of Brafolkism, as those who practice it are deeply solitary and secretive. What is known is gathered from observation by keen academics, mostly conducted at the temple in Templaoreia.

  A depiction of the Unknown Demon.

The Brafolk worship what is known as Meziketh, the Unknown Demon, of whom there is no record or knowledge. He is only depicted in a small mural in their temple, which is venerated as if it were the demon itself. Otherwise, the symbol that is used to represent it is an upside down triangle flanked by two crescent moons, typically with colours as blue and silver.

Mythology & Lore

The cult is speculated to be similar to other religious sects in Maletsok in that it does not appear to reconcile with the existence of a material world outside Maletsok itself. To the Brafolk, Maletsok is the world. That being said, it is uncertain if they espouse the Sacred History of Maletsok.

Blue will be the moon that night for red will be the soil

Religious, Organised Religion
Related Species


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