Necrolords Military Formation in Necromantic Aspirations | World Anvil
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After the act of raising the dead in war was made illegal by international treaty, the Galdorian emperor was desperate to find a way to put necromancy to use that didn't break the newly formed laws. Select young mages, fresh out of magic school, were trained and taught in the rediscovered ancient ways. Training was harsh, and not all of them survived. But those who did were given the imperial title and rank of Necrolord.



Currently, there are only a dozen surviving members of this order.


All Necrolords were trained by the order's founder, Kellen Ainenfar.



Most necrolords-in-training are recruited fresh out of graduating from a Consortium-approved magic school tract. Ainenfar chose to recruit students who tended to be inquisitive, rebellious, devoted to their personal interests, as well as having a high aptitude for magic, particularly non-elemental magic.


Almost a hundred years ago, in the Daaglar Mountains, a war was fought between Empire of Galdor  and Kingdom of Arazi.  Galdor had tried to cross the mountains  and take the Eastern Plains  a few times before, with no success, as the mountains were much easier to defend than to take.  As a last ditch effort, the emperor asked Kellen Ainenfar  to use his magic to help the outnumbered galdorian army succeed. Ainenfar was not an elementalist, he was a necromancer and his only solution was, uh, army of the undead? and the emperor said, why not, do it.   The campaign took less than a year, as the whole army of the dead thing was extremely successful. However, once the battles were over  and news reached both the Galdorian and Arazi homelands, citizens and politicians alike became disturbed by the use of undead soldiers. Especially  in Arazi where respect of the dead is much more important than in Galdorloth. After several tribunals, diplomatic meetings, debates, and treaties, it was agreed that mass raising of the dead for the purposes of war would be outlawed. Despite agreeing to these new rules, Emperor Galdor did not want to stop using the necromancy that Ainenfar had power over. So rather than having a necromancer and an army of zombies, he could command a handful of extremely powerful mages. The emperor charged Ainenfar to train others in the magic of life and death. Ainenfar was hesitant to do this at first, because his planet-sized ego made him think there wouldn't be anyone else who could comprehend the magic as well as he could. But he soon found worthy students who could wield the magic as well as him.

Historical loyalties

This is specifically a group utilized by the Empire of Galdor ,  though a few members have since renounced that loyalty and left the order.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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