Plaza of the Twelve and One Settlement in Necromancer's Moon | World Anvil

Plaza of the Twelve and One

The Plaza of the Twelve and One is by far the cleanest and most open area of Hachenberg. Dedicated to the Albion Pantheon of the Twelve and One, it's a noisome plaza surrounded by monolithic temples.  


The wide plaza is made up of smooth cobblestone with interspersed fountains and gardens. The architecture is dominated by the thirteen temples, each one a unique reflection of their god, from the golden resplendence of Lumis and the glass faceted indoor gardens of Torvail, to the decrepit and abandoned shack of Shindo, or the completely empty space dedicated to Tys.


The Plaza of Twelve and One is resident to the clergy of the gods as well as acolytes, novices and various live-in servants. There are also a small collection of inns that serve food, drink and rest for travelling priests, particularly during festival seasons.

Majority Influence

The spiritual needs are managed by the Council of Twelve and One, the leaders of each eleven temples with absences from Tys and Shindo. They discuss the spiritual matters of the city and have a seat on the Duke Assembly’s Inner Council. Though technically the Karbonites or the Inquisition are not counted as the spiritual heads of the council, they hold almost all sway of Karbon and Lumis respectively and have some of the most powerful voices on the Council.


Curse removal

Notable Locations


Statue of St Antonius the first Inquisitor


The Drunken Monk
Pilgrim’s Homage
The Last Prayer
Priest’s Rest
Savior's View


Mother’s Temple
The First Forge of Albion
The Cloud Scraper
The Grand Prism of Hachenburg
The Sanctuary of Devotion
Father’s Temple
Pyre Song Temple
The Secellum of the Meek
The Green Cathedral
The Great Work
The Evil Place
House of Truth
The Empty Space
Hachenberg - POI
Adapted from Wicked North Games
Yellow on the coloured layer
District in Hachenberg
Bordering areas
North Reiner
Old Palace
The Silken Plaza
The Skoel