Nauvitalia History of Nauvitalia Timeline
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History of Nauvitalia

The history of the entire world, in broad strokes. Not the history of the Six Seas specifically.

Era of Creation

Beginning of Time to -3500 HB

The world was being made by The Originator during this era. Outside of the creation story, not much is known of it.

  • Beginning of Time
    Inception of the World

    The Originator spawns from nothingness. He begins to create the world to his perfect image.

  • -3500 HB
    The Schism

    The moment in time in which The Originator ended his existence, creating the Goddesses in his place. From this moment onwards, the world began to move and change.

Post Schism Era

-3500 HB to -3000 HB

The era of time after the formation of the Goddesses, where humanoids began to take control of the world.

  • Circa -3400 HB
    Founding of the Ancient Civilization

    The ancient civilization's name is lost to the sands of time, as are most of the facets of its culture. There are a few things that are known for sure. Firstly it was isolated to the Six Seas region and didn't ever touch the outside world. Secondly, the society was thriving at its zenith and had developed several potent and unique forms of magic. Finally, the civilization lasted roughly four to five hundred years before its collapse.
    This is widely believed to be the first civilized society in history, and historians to this day make small discoveries about it.

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Pre-Harpsbilge Era

-3000 HB to 0 HB

Humanoids have taken complete control of the world and nations form. Harpsbilge has yet to be conceived.

  • Circa -2900 HB
    Fall of the Ancient Civilization
    Disaster / Destruction

    The precise cause of the fall of the ancient civilization is unknown. Nor is the exact fate of those within. What is known is that what was left in the wake of the fall were a great many abandoned settlements and a variety of strange magical phenomena on the Ancient Sea. Many abhorrent creatures were also left in the wake of the fall, though it's unclear if they were a result of the fall, the cause of the fall, or simply somehow adjacent.

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  • September 9th, -2717 HB
    Founding of Nihakeshi

    Nihakeshi, the oldest living nation, is founded with a coalition of hunters from the far north and farmers from further south. The nation places an Emperor in power to ensure that each groups are equally represented.

  • December 6th, -2639 HB
    Birth of Vishi the Explorer
    Life, Birth

    Vishi the Explorer, legendary elvish figure, was born on this day in some small nation to the east.

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  • March, -2546 HB
    Vishi the Explorer Discovers the Six Seas
    Discovery, Exploration

    Vishi the Explorer, a legendary elvish figure who would later go on to found Timberwelsh, sailed across the Crown Ocean for the first time, finding in it's centre The Six Seas (which were then called The Ocean of Wonder). This discovery set into motion the events of the next several centuries of conflict.

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  • April 23rd, -2513 HB
    Founding of Timberwelsh

    Vishi the Explorer, a legendary elvish figure, settled down in a mostly uninhabited land and began to form a nation there. On April 23rd, after several years of hard work, Vishi officially declared the sovernigty of the nation and named it Timberwelsh. He would rule as the first Emporer of the nation until his death.

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  • July 9th, -2211 HB
    Death of Vishi the Explorer
    Life, Death

    Vishi the Explorer, legendary elvish figure and first Emporer of Timberwelsh, dies in his sleep. This death was likely caused by Bodari spies from the Six Seas, seeking revenge for his plundering of their lands.
    Vishi has a grand funeral a month later, honouring his great reign. The next Emporer of Timberwelsh, who has much less ambitious policies, is sworn into power.

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  • -201 HB
    Ivan Vezkovik, the First Vampire, is Cursed
    Life, Supernatural

    Ivan Vezkovik, then Viscount of the Baronies of Upir, is cursed by the Barons to rule for a milennia nad drink the blood of his loved ones. This curse causes him to become the first vampire.

  • December 29th, 0 HB
    Founding of Harpsbilge

    Harpsbilge, now the biggest empire in the world, is founded after a smaller government known as Gilganol fails thanks to a revolution. A group of high ranking revolutionaries gather a council in Harpsfordshire, promoting one among them as the king (Henry I) and the rest as advisors.

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Harpsbilge Era (HB)

0 HB to Present

The modern era, in which Harpsbilge has entered the world as a dominant force.

  • March 19, 147 HB
    Harpsbilge Makes Claim on Six Seas
    Military action

    Harpsbilge makes a claim of ownership on the Six Seas, and begins to move masses of troops towards their waters. This upsets Timberwelsh and several Salimstinian caliphates, who declare they will defend the Seas, increasing their military presence in response.
    The Bodari begin to engage in geurilla warfare against Harpsbilge, and refuse to allign with other national powers.

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  • 161-163 HB
    Escalation of the Colonial War
    Military action

    Harpsbilge's efforts to colonize the Six Seas lead to widespread bloodshed. Harpsbilge, Timberwelsh, and some Salimstinian caliphates gain land on the Six Seas, despite the latter two claiming their only purpose was to defend them. The Bodari, in response, begin unleashing widespread magical attacks on the rest. The conflict becomes a free-for-all, with each group willing to fight any of the others.

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  • May 3rd, 229 HB to October 22nd, 269 HB
    Colonial War Ceasefire
    Gathering / Conference

    With all sides exhausted, a ceasefire is signed to stop the Colonial War. The clauses include 50 years of total peace, military de-escalation, and the foundation of a neutral state to combat the increasing undead hordes.
    This ceasefire lasts with low tensions for nearly 40 years, until a diplomatic incident between Salimstan and the Bodari leads to military re-escalation over the following several months

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  • October 22nd, 269 HB
    Beginning of new Colonial War Hostilities
    Military action

    After a diplomatic incident, the Colonial War's ceasefire is violated and the bloody conflict begins anew.

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  • Between 378 HB and 392 HB (exact date contested)
    End of the Colonial War
    Political event

    After an initially very bloody conflict, the Colonial War cools down over the following 100 years. There is no official declaration of it's end, just an unofficial peace.
      The end results are:
    Massive losses for the Bodari
    Some land gains for Timberwelsh and Salimstan
    Large land gains for Harpsbilge
    The formation of the Dread Sea
    The founding of Androchia

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  • September 8, 577 HB
    Founding of Sin Oro

    A large portion of the population of an inland nation now fallen migrate after a civil war to a large island overseas . They found Sin Oro under the principals of national freedom and democracy.

  • January, 591 HB
    Invention of Matchlock Guns
    Technological achievement

    The first matchlock weapons are invented in Harpsbilge, and after some testing are distributed throughout the military. Within the decade, other militaries have constructed and distributed their own models of firearms.

  • 688 HB
    Beginning of the Theives' War
    Political event

    The Prince of Harpsbilge, Humphrey VII, marries the half-elvish Blancha D'Ortel, the granddaughter of Timberwelsh's monarch. Each nation attempts to use this marriage as rightful claim to the other's throne. However, each nation is in recession, and needs money to launch a campaign.
    Harpsbilge quietly begins to hire privateers on the Six Seas to legally steal from non Harpish ships, giving the crown a 3/4 cut. Timberwelsh sees this and responds in kind, asking only for a 3/5 cut from their privateers.
    This starts an 80 year trade war where each nation tries to outpace the other and accrue enough wealth to take control of the other's government.

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  • August, 711 HB
    Invention of Flintlock Guns
    Technological achievement

    In Harpsbilge, flintlock weaponry is invented and soon becomes widespread in the military. Other nations take the technology and begin using it themselves.

  • February, 729 HB
    Nihakeshi Sends Diplomats to the Six Seas
    Diplomatic action

    Nihakeshi, a nation known for it's isolation from the rest of the world, opens up in response to recent technological progress. It sends diplomats to the Six Seas to negotiate the sharing of technology with other nations.
    The meetings go poorly, and Nihakeshi decides that the technology must be obtained via any means nessecary, and sends several armoured boats to the Seas to take what they can.

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  • December 18, 753 HB
    Death of King Humphrey VII & Queen Blancha D'Ortel
    Life, Death

    Monarch of Harpsbilge, Humphrey VII, passes away in his bed surrounded by loved ones at the age of 107. Just the next day, his faithful wife and Queen, Blancha D'Ortel, dies of natural causes, aged 142.
    Over the course of 24 hours, Harpsbilge and Timberwelsh lose each of their claims on each other's thrones.

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  • 859 HB
    New Wave of Harpsbilgian Colonization
    Military action

    Harpsbilge, still incredibly wealthy as a result of the Theive's War, begins another colonial push. They hold several successful military campaigns against smaller nations under false pretense, gaining control of the land or at least ensuring the nation is crippled for later exploitation.

  • February 16th to December 10th, 905 HB
    Harpsbilge Invades Sin Oro
    Military action

    Harpsbilge sends insurgents into Sin Oro, an ordinarily neutral nation, to destabilize the government. After 2 months of riots and chaos, Harpsbilge invades under the pretense of stabalizing the country. Though the national army puts up a good fight, they are quickly overwhelmed by the Harps, who declare the country "stabalized" by the end of the year and insert a puppet government.

  • 923 HB
    A New Adventure Begins

    The current year is 923 HB. It has been 67 years since the death of the last Pirate King, and piracy is on a decline on the Six Seas. Whispers of the Pirate King's treasure still float around taverns, but are increasingly viewed as nothing more than legend or a fairy tale.

    What will happen next is a story yet to be told, as a group of misfits find themselves at the centre of the hunt for
    The Treasure of the Six Seas