Session Report 57 - Angel Wings And Alberdark Report in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Session Report 57 - Angel Wings And Alberdark

General Summary

"I-I just didn't think our crew members would be heading to this town to try to have ... sex."

Rowboat Repairs

On the way to the next isle, Gunther uses some of the ship's wood supply to repair the Rowboat which was damaged during the Maelspawn attack of the day prior. While Gunther has his back turned, Laire uses his skills to carve floral patterns into the craft. Mitzlan is dumbfounded as to who could have done it if not Gunther. The dwarf knows though, whether or not Laire was caught in the act.
The remainder of the journey is uneventful.  

Gallery of Hopeless Angels

Approaching the next isle, Sleepless Sloth calls to note the presence of another ship - The Devil's Advocate - by the isle. The Drifters keep their distance and signal that they have no intention of harm. The ship responds in kind. Ramone notes the ship to be a Rammer with around 50 crew. Four of them are on the island, which is rocky and seemingly barren.
The senior crew disembarks, climbing to the isle. One of the crew of The Devil's Advocate, who the group has at this point determined to be from Farvia, approaches. It is a dark purple tiefling who keeps his distance, speaking in a deep and measured voice. He parlays with the Drifters, recognizing Locke as the new king of The Green Sea. He informs them that this isle is their claim, and it is where fallen angels go to die. He's willing to sell angel parts, which can be equally useful in light and dark magics, but is unwilling to allow the group further onto the island. After a bit of negotiating and some deliberating, Locke eventually agrees to buy some angel parts for the steep price of 1000 gold pieces. The diplomatic tiefling, who keeps his name secret but introduces himself as the first mate of The Devil's Advocate, is happy with this deal and provides a sack containing 20 angel feathers, a modest vial of ichor, and the bones from an angel's foot. The ingredients appear legitimate, so the transaction goes through.
Before leaving, the first mate mentions that they hail from Alberdark and they should feel free to stop by if they feel the need for more angel parts. He points the isle out on a map specifically.  

Strange Star

The crew gathers to discuss their course. Grov would like to make a detour to head to Alberdark, after all, Timber mentioned that it's where an informant might hide out. After some back and forth, the group decides it's a good idea, and that they will still be able to go to all the isles they planned to with a small refactoring of the route.
Now en route to Alberdark, the group spends the rest of the day on their normal routine, keeping careful watch upon the grey waters of The Ancient Sea to ensure that nothing amiss occurs. The day passes without incident, however, as Ramone stares into the night sky, he notices an unfamiliar star shining down on him. He makes keen note of it and wonders what it is.
In the early hours of the morning, well before the sun has risen, Sloth spots Alberdark in the distance. Locke orders that the ship anchor about 2 miles away from the island for the night, and advises that it will make its approach the following morning.  

Alberdark's Notion of "Trust"

As the sun rises, The Driftwood brings up anchor and sails the remaining 2 miles towards Alberdark, pulling up to a free dock. The locals are quick to recognize the ship and its crew, and Locke uses magic to whisk a paper from one of their hands, which depicts him and his crew in full glory, on top of making some outrageous claims about his power and ambitions. It's clear Scarlet Herring had a hand in writing it, and it labels him "Kingslayer".
Simply staring down at the locals gathering about the docks, it's obvious that many of them are after something from the King of The Green Sea himself. One swims under the ship and tries climbing up the starboard side. However, Ouchie hauls him up and rips his horns off under Locke's command to set an example. When he is thrown back to the locals, the first thing that people do is fleece his pockets before moving to help him. It's very apparent what the people here care about above all else - profit and personal advancement. Locke speaks up, making it clear that any locals who make motions toward the ship are as good as dead. The majority of the crowd disperses. One persistent individual sticks around, heckling the group to let him join the crew. His name is Cowardice, but the young man doesn't fancy himself a coward at all. The group is skeptical about his skills, but he's at least honest that he wants on because the pay is good. The group tells him to come back later and they might consider it.
Even if most people know he's in town, Locke elects to don the guise of Regno Williams so as not to draw the attention of undiscerning eyes. They bring Charlotte and have her use her hawk to circle the ship. She notes that her hawk sees a red-masted ship on the far side of the isle.  

Salacious Secrets

The group makes their first stop in the town's closed market. It's a large building with two floors and a variety of semi-permanent stalls. One stall immediately stands out: Secrets and Information, a stall exclusively for learning things for money, run by two pinkish-red tiefling twins - a brother and a sister. Grov cautiously inquires about his father Nadarr, who Locke uses illusions to model. The twins don't have information on Nadarr, but for a small price hand over the location of a former Sin Oran informant to Harpsbilge named Eduardo, who has since betrayed Harpsbilge and fled here.
Ramone then asks about the strange star, which he pays a bit more to learn about. The brother speaks in hushed tones and warns that even mentioning things about the star or what it foretells supposedly draws it closer. The star signals the coming of a being known best as The Traveller. It has a name, but speaking it would ensure the creature's arrival. It's a terrible creature of the Ancient Sea, but it will not do anything if its presence is not acknowledged. The twins emphasize not to engage with the creature no matter what.
Gunther then asks about the isle which Rose mentioned had a connection to time. The twins know, and explain that the isle is a temple, supposedly dedicated to The Originator. When a person enters and leaves the temple, they leave an echo of themselves from the time when they visited, which retains their memories and personality. The twins mention that they've had contacts gather information there before.
With Locke disguised as Regno Williams, Grov asks about the new King of The Green Sea. The twins give some mostly accurate basic information but when asked for weaknesses are unable to answer much. Grov then suggests some bogus weaknesses (which are in truth where the strengths of the crew lie). The twins give each other a look, then, politely, tell the group that it isn't too hard to deduce who they really are. Grov is a bit embarrassed.
Before the group leaves, Locke decides to ask the sister when she's free - trying to flirt with her. Surprisingly, she's more than receptive, and actively accepts his advances. The rest of the group backs off for a bit, taking the cue, but Charlotte, not very good with these things, sticks around and starts asking the captain questions. The secret seller suggests that another time is better and agrees to meet with Locke at the end of the day on his ship.
The whole group is a bit surprised with Locke, but Grov in particular is very flustered. If Charlotte understood what was going on she would have been but, thankfully, she remains blissfully ignorant. Gunther pats his captain on the back.  

Eduardo, The Traitor

Eduardo is staying in the isle's inn, Little Salimstan, which clearly appeals to a certain clientele. The group asks the innkeeper to lead them to Eduardo's room, which he does. Ed is a 60-something-year-old Sin Oran who appears weak and snivelling. Grov is rather forceful in prompting him to give answers, which causes the ex-informant to try to retreat into his room, though the much larger dragonborn stops the door with ease. Locke steps in to smooth things out, and eventually manages to persuade the old man to answer so they'll leave him alone. Grov asks about Nadarr, who Eduardo knew. The two both fled Sin Oro on the same boat and worked in Harpsfordshire in intelligence for some time, though they were not particularly close. Eduardo mentions that Nadarr was very good at what he did, but not well-liked by anybody aside from his superiors. The last he saw him was 6 years ago, just before Ed fled Harpsfordshire.
While this doesn't give Grov too much to go on as to where he is at the moment, Nadarr absolutely was working for Harpsbilge even after leaving Sin Oro. The group let the ex-informant close the door, and start towards the lobby. However, as they approach the exit, a heavy thumping starts outside. The innkeeper peaks out and slams the door. "It's the Harps!"
The Drifters begin to run upstairs and Laire goes invisible as Dragovsky enters the room.
Report Date
05 Aug 2023


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