Harpsbilgian Royal Navy Military Formation in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Harpsbilgian Royal Navy

"It won't be long before these Seas are in my hands. If the pirates won't budge that just means we have to go through with it the hard way. They won't like the hard way."
-Estella Fairford, Major General


The strongest navy on the Seas, the Harpsbilgian Royal Navy is a force to be reckoned with. Stocked with a near-endless supply of ships, ammunition, and sailors, the navy can spend its time thoroughly decimating any foe in front of it. That, coupled with the fact that it has incredibly aggressive policies towards pirates sends a chill down the spine of any cutthroat with any desire to live.  


There are three primary goals of the Harpsbilgian Royal Navy operating in the Six Sea region; to ensure that Harpsbilge remains a dominant trading power, to ensure the Seas remain safe for Harpish sailors, and to expand the influence on Harpsbilge in the region when possible.
The first and second goals are achieved through the issuance of protective ships for select merchant vessels. More importantly, the navy has established an aggressive policy towards pirates, with a code of no forgiveness and increasingly frequent incursions into The Green Sea.

Leadership & Ranks

The current High Commander of the Harpsbilgian Royal Navy is Dorbrant Booth, a human approaching the age of 85, soon to die or retire. He commands navy operations from afar, in his office in Harpsfordshire.
The Major General responsible for the Six Seas region is the recently transferred Estella Fairford, an ambitious young woman with a burning hatred for pirates. She has yet to prove herself as a commander in the region, but has a reputation from elsewhere, and is incredibly adept at manipulation.   High Commander The singular head of the navy, responsible for big decisions and the face of the organization.
Major General A group of 4-7 (currently 5) generals responsible for managing naval operations in entire regions. Three are currently deployed; one in Sin Oro, one in Upir, and one in The Six Seas.
Senior General Senior generals, who command large fleets and manage operations in smaller regions.
General Generals, who command smaller fleets (less than 10 ships) and answer directly to their superiors.
Commodore Second in command to generals of all varieties, commodores are responsible for ensuring that operations run smoothly, and are ready to replace their general at any time.
Captain The captains of individual ships. If sailing in a fleet they answer to generals, and if not, they answer to senior or major generals.
Officer The senior crew of ships.
Seaman The remaining crew of ships.  

Ships & Resources

The navy has a total of over 3000 operational ships, about 1200 of which are currently sail the Six Seas. About half of these ships are galleys, with the rest varying widely. Despite having the technology, the navy lacks a significant number of fast but small ships, preferring the larger and slower ones.
Ships protect and are repaired at about 5 Harp-controlled ports across the seas. Additionally, there are a number of outpost islands scattered around the seas, each of which serves as the home base for a small fleet of ships sailing through the area
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