Estella Fairford Character in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Estella Fairford

"Just you wait. Once the pirates are gone, High Commander will be a cinch."
-Estella Fairford


Estella is a domineering and commanding individual. She is firm on her public positions but has a manipulative underside which she is well versed at keeping hidden. Moreover, she's skilled at almost everything she does - be it planning, commanding, or taking action.  

Career & Public Image

Fairford was born into relatively high society, but has catapulted herself up the chain of command faster than anybody in the history of Harpsbilge. Even from her teenage years, she has been an officer of the Harpsbilgian Royal Navy and she has used her social skills to work her way up - accompanied by appropriate achievements on each step along the way. At present, she is a Major General - a position only second to the leader of the navy.
Her public image in Harpsbilge is strong. She is well-liked and generally looked upon as a promising young light who might be considered a patriotic figure. On the seas, she is either respected or feared, depending on which side of her armada you're on. Even the pirates have to respect her capabilities.  

Aspirations & Secrets

Success and promotions are clearly strong motivators for Fairford. Even holding one of the highest positions in the navy, she is brazen in her pursuit of even greater heights. This pursuit has led her to certain less-than-savoury actions such as assassinating a fellow Harpsbilgian Major General (the only three living individuals who know this are herself, Locke, & her former secretary, Pixchaxla). Moreover, she has committed some degree of theft at sea, given that Rose's Obsidian Chest recognized her as a pirate.
Current Status
Year of Birth
889 HB 34 Years old
Straight Ponytail; Red


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