Gift Physical / Metaphysical Law in Natura | World Anvil
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Gift is the word used for an individual elf's unique, magic-like ability. Gifts follow a couple of specific rules.  
  • Every gift is unique at it's core, even if it may manifest itself in a similar fashion to another gift.
  • Gifts must be activated. There is no gift that allows one to simply hear the thoughts of everyone around them all the time, but there is one that allows one to hear the thoughts of a person when they will it.
  • Gifts are something an elf is born with, but isn't something they inherently understand or know how to use.
  This leads to a number of interesting scenarios.   For an example of the first rule, "reading minds" isn't a unique or rare Gift manifestation, but probably has more specific rules than it appears on the surface. One elf may only be able to read the active stream of consciousness of another elf that they can see clearly, while another may be able see visual flashes of the thoughts of an animal within their reach.   For an example of the second rule, "enhanced senses" also isn't a unique or rare Gift manifestation, but would require active focus on the part of the elf to hone their senses to an enhanced level. It could also require "dimming" another sense of theirs or require them to stand still and focus.   For an example of the third rule, "knowing things" also isn't a unique or rare Gift manifestation, but might not be something that one thinks of as a Gift before recognizing it. An elf with this gift may be able to look at and touch a plant and understand it's medicinal and culinary applications, but not understand how they understood it. This may show up from childhood or may be something that has to be discovered from experience.   Additionally, it's worth noting that understanding the specifics around one's Gift often requires a lot of testing, training, and experience and some Gifts may grow stronger with training and a better base understanding of the Gift. Some Gifts can even "transform" when their owner transforms their understanding of their Gift.   For example, if a young elf was interested in locksmithing and found that her Gift allowed her to unlock any lock by touching it, she might assume that her gift simply allows her to unlock any lock just by touching it. However, with training and experience and perhaps some guidance, she could discover that she can unlock any lock because she can create small magnetic fluctuations extending from her finger. Suddenly, as her understanding of her Gift transforms, so does her Gift to allow her to do many new things.   Among elves, it is often considered rude or even threatening to ask about another's Gift. This makes sense when you acknowledge that understanding someone else's Gift also allows you to understand their Gift's inherent weakness. Conversely, sharing information about your Gift is often considered a sign of intimacy.


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